Volume 06, No.2
March issue 2001
(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 副理事長、放射光研究所長 JASRI Vice President, Director of JASRI Research Sector
1. SPring-8の現状/PRESENT STATUS OF SPring-8
北海道大学大学院 理学研究科 Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
名古屋大学大学院 工学研究科 Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
高エネルギー加速器研究機構 物質構造科学研究所 Institute of Materials Structure Science High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
京都教育大学 教育学部(利用研究課題選定委員会 主査) Department of Physics, Kyoto University of Education
[1]Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute(JASRI)、[2]The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)、[3]Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute(JASRI)、[4]NEC Fundamental Research Laboratory、[5]Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute(JASRI) and The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
- Abstract
- We discuss recent advances in instrumentation for high resolution inelastic x-ray scattering and nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation at BL35XU. Notable points are demonstration of the backscattering monochromator performance over long scan ranges, significant improvements in analyzer crystal perfection and a setup for nuclear scattering from the 25.6 keV resonance of 161Dy. The last includes a new compact optical design yielding 2×108 photons/sec into a 0.52 meV bandwidth at 25.6 keV and a detector with ~200 ps time resolution and ~20% efficiency at 25.6 keV.
3. その他のビームライン/OTHER BEAMLINES
日本電気㈱ システムデバイス・基礎研究本部 基礎研究所(産業用専用ビームライン建設利用共同体 幹事長) Fundamental Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation
(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 放射光研究所 利用促進部門 JASRI Experimental Facilities Division
- Abstract
- The installation of the R&D beamline III (BL38B1) was started from November 2000. The X-ray source of BL38B1 is a bending magnet and mirror-focused monochromatic beam is useful for both XAFS and protein crystallography. A wide range of X-ray energy with the mirror angle of 0 to 3.2 mrad is available for many purposes such as XAFS experiment, optics and detector development, and design of new experimental technique. A CCD X-ray detector for protein crystallography have been installed. This beamline is open for SPring-8 staff and public users from 2001A.
理化学研究所 播磨研究所 RIKEN Harima Institute
- Abstract
- The number of IDs installed in the storage ring as of January 2001 is 23, which corresponds to about two thirds of the number of straight sections available for IDs. Most of the ID beamlines adopt IDs called standard in-vacuum undulators with the periodic length of 32 mm, which can supply hard x rays between 5 and 80 keV using up to the 5th harmonic. As for other beamlines, very exotic devices such as helical, figure-8 or revolver undulators are adopted to provide special polarization states, very high flux, or very wide energy range. In this report, the status of IDs is presented including recent topics concerning the ID construction at SPring-8.
[1]名古屋大学大学院 工学研究科 Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University、[2]名古屋大学大学院 理学研究科 Department of Chemistry, Nagoya University
- Abstract
- The geometry of carbon cages(fullerenes) is governed by the isolated pentagon rule(IPR), which states that the most stable fullerenes are those in which all pentagons are surrounded by five hexagons. Although this rule has been verified experimentally, it is impossible for fullerenes in the range C60 to C70 to obey it. Here we describe the structure determination of the IPR-violating metallofullerene, Sc2@C66, a C66 fullerene encaging a scandium dimmer, by the synchrotron radiation powder method using Large Debye-Scherrer Camera at BL02B2 in SPring-8. The results indicate that encapsulation of the metal dimmer significantly stabilizes this extremely unstable C66 fullerene.
神戸大学大学院 自然科学研究科 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
文部科学省(旧:科学技術庁)金属材料技術研究所 National Research Institute for Metals, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
仁木工芸㈱ 輸入部 放射線計測機器グループ Niki Glass Co, Ltd. Tokyo Office Group Leader for Nuclear Science
(財)高輝度光科学研究センター Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 放射光研究所 加速器部門 JASRI Accelerator Division
- Abstract
- The sixth symposium on accelerator's power supply system was held on 15th and 16th November 2000 at SPring-8 PR-Center conference room. More than 70 people attended. Many presentations and discussions about, for example, IGBT switching mode power supply for magnets, noise reduction technics, high precision current control technics of accelerators, and so on, have done. Before this symposium, an investigative tour for Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center, NewSUBARU facility, and SPring-8 facility was held. Announces and registrations for this symposium have been done using only an e-mail and www home page on the Internet.
SPring-8利用者懇談会 会長 姫路工業大学 理学部 Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology
千葉大学大学院 自然科学研究科 Graduate School of Science and Technology Chiba University