Volume 08, No.2
March issue 2003
(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 副理事長、放射光研究所長 JASRI Vice President, Director of JASRI Research Sector
1. SPring-8の現状/PRESENT STATUS OF SPring-8
(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用研究課題選定委員会 主査、姫路工業大学 理学部 Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology
東京大学大学院 農学生命科学研究科 Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
東京工業大学 応用セラミックス研究所 Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
[1]姫路工業大学 名誉教授 Himeji Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science、[2]広島大学大学院 工学研究科
東北大学 多元物質科学研究所 Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University
立命館大学 総合理工学研究機構 Ritsumeikan University, Research Organization of Science and Engineering, Synchrotron Radiation Center
[1](財)高輝度光科学研究センター 放射光研究所 JASRI Synchrotron Radiation Research Laboratory
[2]日本原子力研究所 関西研究所 放射光科学研究センター Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, JAERI Kansai Research Establishment
- Abstract
- With the arrival of the latest generation of synchrotron sources and the introduction of advanced insertion devices (wigglers and undulators), the high-energy (E >=30 keV) X-ray diffraction technique has become feasible, leading to new approaches in the quantitative study of the structure of disordered materials. High-energy X-ray diffraction has several advantages: higher resolution in real space due to a wide range of scattering vector Q, smaller correction terms (especially the absorption correction), reduction of truncation errors, the feasibility of running under extreme environments, including high-temperatures and high-pressures, and the ability to make direct comparisons between X-ray and neutron diffraction data. Recently, high-energy X-ray diffraction data have been combined with neutron diffraction data from a pulsed source to provide more detailed and reliable structural information than that hitherto available. This article reviews and summarizes recent results obtained from the high-energy X-ray diffraction on glass, liquid, amorphus and crystalline materials using bending magnet beamlines at SPring-8.
(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用研究促進部門Ⅱ JASRI Life and Environment Science Division
- Abstract
- By using the combination of intense X-ray beams from an undulator-based beamline at SPring-8 (BL45XU) and a microbeam optics, we were able to record X-ray diffraction patterns from single myofibrils of a striated muscle (bumblebee flight muscle). Unlike in the conventional method, the muscle cell was irradiated end-on, so that a diffraction pattern from a myofibril was recorded without isolating it from the cell. The recorded pattern consisted of a number of hexagonally arranged spot-like reflections, clearly indicating that the reflections originated from a single hexagonal lattice of myofilaments. Since the muscle cells used were ~3 mm long and contained 1000+ sarcomeres connected in series, the result means that the lattices in these sarcomeres are exactly in register. The achievement opens the possibility that the X-ray diffraction technique may be applied to other micrometer-sized protein assemblies in the cell, such as axonemes and mitotic spindles.
姫路工業大学大学院 理学研究科 Himeji Institute of Technology, Graduate School and Faculty of Science
(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用研究促進部門 JASRI Life and Environment Science Division
日本原子力研究所 放射光科学研究センター Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, JAERI
大阪大学大学院 基礎工学研究科 Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
理化学研究所 播磨研究所 構造生物化学研究室 RIKEN Harima Institute at SPring-8,Lab of Structural Biochemistry