Volume 01, No.4
September issue 1996
1. ハイライト/HIGHLIGHT
2. SPring-8の現状/PRESENT STATUS OF SPring-8
日本原子力研究所・理化学研究所 大型放射光施設計画推進共同チーム 加速器グループ JAERI-RIKEN SPring-8 Project Team Accelerator Group
- Abstract
- The construction of the linac has been completed. The beam commissioning was successfully started on August 1st, 1996. The electron beam was transported up to a beam-dump at the end of the linac on August 8th. Precise alignment of the linac was achieved within the error of ±0.2 mm using the laser system. A computer-aided automatical aging system was developed and successfully operated for the microwave aging inside the waveguides and accelerator columns. It took only 550 hours to reach the fullpower operation of whole klystrons.
日本原子力研究所・理化学研究所 大型放射光施設計画推進共同チーム 利用系グループ JAERI-RIKEN SPring-8 Project Team Experimental Group
日本原子力研究所・理化学研究所 大型放射光施設計画推進共同チーム 利用系グループ JAERI-RIKEN SPring-8 Project Team Experimental Group
[1]姫路工業大学理学部 Himeji Institute of Technology Faculty of Science、[2]東京大学工学部 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering、[3]東京理科大学理学部 Science University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
4. 理研ビームライン/RIKEN BEAMLINE
理化学研究所 放射光構造生物学研究推進グループ The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) SR Structural Biology Reseach Group
- Abstract
- This report focuses on the RIKEN Beamline1 for Structural Biology promoted by the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN). This beamline aims to advance structural biology research by using synchrotron radiation to gain a greater understanding of the functions of biological macromolecules in the aspects of higher order structures. Two experimental stations; a small-angle X-ray Scattering station (SAXS) and a protein crystallography station (PX) are simultaneously operated with two undulators in serial arrangement. The branched beams are generated by a beam-splitter (transparent diamond monochromator) . In the PX station, a trichromatic concept is developed to optimize for multi-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) experiments. Trichromatic beams are provided by a trichromator. The main feature of this concept is to minimize errors in anomalous dispersion measurements for MAD. The SAXS station uses the monochromatized undulator beam that enables us to obtain (the) data with high smallangle resolution and high flux as well. The structure of proteins in solution under various conditions will be studied in this station. And the SAXS station uses a new type of detector; a two-dimensional microstrip proportional counter which can take data within a milisecond.
日本原子力研究所・理化学研究所 大型放射光施設計画推進共同チーム 利用系グループ JAERI-RIKEN SPring-8 Project Team Experimental Group
日本原子力研究所 関西研究所 The Japan Atomic Energy Reseach Institute (JAERI) Kansai Iustitute