
Volume 13, No.3 Pages 205 - 207

1. SPring-8の現状/PRESENT STATUS OF SPring-8

2008A 採択長期利用課題の研究紹介
Outline of Long-term Proposals Approved for 2008A

(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用業務部 User Administration Division, JASRI

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SPIN polarized high resolution HArd Xray Photo Emission Spectroscopy SPIN HAXPES



Claudia Felser(Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz)









 本申請は、近年バルク電子状態を研究できることにより大きな注目を集めている硬X線光電子分光とスピン分解検出器を組み合わせることにより、磁性材料の電子状態と磁性を研究することができる、スピン分解高分解能硬X線光電子分光(SPIN HAXPES)を実現することを目的とした挑戦的かつ先端的な課題である。スピン分解光電子分光では極めて少ない光電子収量が予想されるので、一方で高効率なスピン検出器の開発が必要であるが、高輝度・高分解能の放射光源であるSPring-8の必要性が高いことが認められる。また本申請は、世界で初めてのスピン分解高分解能硬X線光電子分光法の開発に焦点が絞られており、位相子の導入によるMCD測定や申請者らの開発している新しいスピン検出器の導入なども検討され、長期にわたる段階的な開発手順が示されている。国内外の研究者が参加していることから役割分担を明確にし、これらの装置開発を順調に進めれば、手法開発を主眼とした本申請の目的が達せられることが期待できる。基本データ取得後の応用への展開の過程に必ずしも明快でない点があるが、申請者らのこの手法の開発の動機が磁性材料研究とそのスピントロニクスへの応用研究にあることから、モチベーションは高いと考えられる。また本申請課題が磁性研究という基礎的研究分野への貢献のみならず、産業基盤技術への発展の可能性を有する点において、科学技術的妥当性が高い申請と考えられる。
 以上の点から、本申請は機能性材料のバルクのスピン依存電子状態の新しい解析手法であるSPIN HAXPES開発の課題として妥当なものと認められる。長期利用分科会における審議の結果、本申請を採択とした。




 In the proposed work we like to develop for the first time SPIN polarized high resolution HArd Xray Photo Emission Spectroscopy SPIN HAXPES at SPring-8, a new method world wide.  HAXPES is the best method to study bulk properties of new materials and devices due to the large mean free path of the photoelectrons compared to conventional photoemission spectroscopy.  Objective of the SPIN HAXPES project is to develop highly bulk sensitive spin resolved photoemission, a method for the investigation of the electronic and magnetic properties of magnetic materials including new materials for Spintronic devices.  For that purpose, a new high efficiency detection system for spin polarization (SP) analysis and ultrafast signal detection will be developed.


Research purpose

 The long-term goal of the proposal will be on the technical aspects of SPIN HAXPES.  SPIN HAXPES will be performed in the first years using a spherical electron analyzer (SPECS Phoibos 225 SP) with spin detector.  The machine will be shipped in advance from Germany to SPring-8.  The transport will be funded by the German Science Foundation DFG (project P7 of the Research Unit FG 559“New Materials with High Spinpolarization”).

 Members of this FG 559 are the following proposers (Fecher, Felser, Schönhense, Hloskovskyy).  The samples will be prepared in the group of the collaborating Japanese groups(Inomata, Yamamoto).  The electrons are excited from thin films, consisting of a single domain such as established ferromagnetic elements (Co), and in the third year TMR devices and bulk samples of the two Heusler compounds Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 and Co2MnSi by means of hard X-rays.


Expected of this experiment

 Motivation for the development of SPIN HAXPES is the growing interest of fundamental research in magnetism and applied research in Spintronics.  Spintronics is a new and exciting term introduced to designate an innovative field in technology that uses the spin degree of freedom to construct electronic devices.  Ideal materials for future efficient devices should behave as metals for one spin direction of the electrons and as semiconductors for the opposite spin direction.  Heusler compounds belong to this class of materials.  An indirect proof for the half metallicity is the high magneto resistance effect of Heusler compounds in tunnel junctions. SPIN HAXPES is the ideal technique for a direct proof of the half metallicity and additionally for the investigation of the properties of spintronics devices.  Due to the large mean free path of the photoelectrons, the investigation of a whole device is possible.

 However, for magnetic materials such as spintronics devices the measurement of the spin and charge is necessary for a better understanding of these materials.  Therefore, it is time to go one step further and develop SPIN HAXPES.





Structural study of Regulated Intramembrane Proteolysis



Nieng Yan(Tsinghua University, Beijin)






 すでに結晶が得られているGlpGおよび最近構造解析が報告された古細菌由来S2Pについては、高分解能の回折像を与える良質な結晶を作成し、基質あるいは阻害剤との複合体の構造解析を行い、基質認識や反応機構に関する知見を得ることを目指す。また、結晶が得られているeukaryotic Rhomboid proteaseおよび1種類のbacterial S2Pについては、結晶の質の向上が達成され、放射光の利用によって高分解能のX線回折像が得られれば、構造解析によって当該分野における構造情報の拡大が期待できる。したがって、まずはタンパク質結晶の質を調べるために予備的なX線実験(X線回折像の確認)を行う必要がある。しかし、申請書に記載されているように、すべてのタンパク質結晶についてMAD/SAD解析に必要なデータ収集を行う必要はない。初期的なX線実験でX線回折像を確認し、高分解能のX線解析が期待できる良質の結晶についてのみデータ収集を行えば十分である。したがって、シフト数は要求の半分以下に減らすことができる。



Research purpose and summary

 Regulated Intramembrane Proteolysis (RIP) is a highly conserved signaling mechanism, where a signaling molecule is cleaved within the lipid bilayer by an intramembrane protease.  Traditional wisdom told us proteolysis requires water; however, in RIP, both the protease and the substrate are integral membrane proteins and the cleavage occurs within the hydrophobic lipid bilayer.  Thus it represents a conceptual breakthrough! It has been most intriguing to scientists how water molecules and substrate get access to the active site of an intramembrane protease.


 Based on the function and predicted active site, the characterized intramembrane proteases are classified into 4 families: the metalloprotease site-2 protease (S2P), the serine protease Rhomboid, the aspartyl proteases Signal Peptide Peptidase (SPP) and Presenilin.  Intramembrane proteases play important roles in a wide range of cellular functions.  For example, S2P is a key player in sterol metabolism in cells; Rhomboid works in the Wnt signaling pathway; Presenilin is the most notorious intramembrane protease as it directly cleaves Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) and results in the accumulation of b-amyloid peptide, the direct pathogen for Alzheimer’s disease.


 In order to understand the working mechanism of RIP, it requires high-resolution structures of the intramembrane proteases both in the apo-form and in the substrate or inhibitor-bound forms.  Successful determination of the proposed structures will also provide invaluable therapeutic potentials to fight deleterious diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular diseases.


 A number of biologists have been working on the structural study of intramembrane proteases for years.  The breakthrough was finally made in 2006.  Four independent groups successfully solved the structures of the bacterial homologs of Rhomboid in their apo forms.  At the end of year 2007, the structure of an archaebacterial S2P homolog was determined by Dr. Yigong Shi’s group at Princeton University.  The structures answered the question of how water molecules get access to the active site and provided clue to understanding substrate entry; however, the following questions remain unknown:


1. What regulates the substrate access to the active site?

2. Whether the structure, function and regulation of Rhomboid protease are conserved from bacteria to eukaryotes?

3. Whether the structure, function and regulation of S2P protease are conserved from bacteria to eukaryotes?

4. What are the structure and function mechanism of SPP?

5. What are the structure and function mechanism of Presenilin?


The purpose of the proposed study is to address the above questions.


Expected results

The aims of our research are:

1. To determine the structure of inhibitor or substrate analog bound GlpG;

2. To determine the structure of inhibitor or substrate analog bound S2P;

3. To determine the structures of eukaryotic rhomboid protease and S2P;

4. To determine the structure of SPP;

5. To determine the high-resolution structure of Presenilin;

6. To understand the working mechanism of RIP.


 Despite of the ambitious plan, we understand very well the intrinsic difficulty to deal with membrane proteins, especially multi-subunit membrane protein complexes such as Presenilin.  Thus, in three years, we anticipate to determine the structures of prokaryotic Rhomboid and S2P in substrate or inhibitor bound forms; to determine the structure of eukaryotic Rhomboid and S2P; and to make preliminary result on the structural study of SPP and presenilin.



Print ISSN 1341-9668
[ - Vol.15 No.4(2010)]
Online ISSN 2187-4794