
Volume 28, No.1 Pages 86 - 92


Review Results of Contract Beamlines

(公財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用推進部 User Administration Division, JASRI

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 フロンティアソフトマター開発専用ビームライン産学連合体、台湾National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center及び東京大学の各専用ビームラインについて、2022年12月の専用施設審査委員会で中間評価または事後評価を実施し、その結果を2023年2月開催のSPring-8選定委員会に諮り、承認されましたので報告いたします。



・NSRRC ID・BMビームライン(BL12XU、BL12B2)
 (設置者:台湾National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)









 以下、共同体から本委員会に提出された「フロンティアソフトマター開発専用ビームライン産学連合体(FSBL)第二期 中間評価報告書(専用施設 BL03XU)」と2022年12月7日に開催された第36回専用施設審査委員会での報告及び討議に基づき、以下の点についてその評価と提言を記す。


1. 「装置の構成と性能」に対する評価


2. 「施設運用及び利用体制」に対する評価


3. 「研究課題、内容、成果」に対する評価


4. 「今後の計画」に対する評価

以 上



Contract Beamline NSRRC ID and BM (BL12XU, BL12B2)
Interim Review Results


General statement
 National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) in Taiwan constructed BL12B2 and BL12XU at SPring-8, which were launched in June 2000 and March 2001, respectively. After the 2nd renewal of the 10-year contract with SPring-8, the 3rd contract has been executed since 2020. In the term-end review of the 2nd contract in November 2019, the Review Committee suggested an interim review during the 3rd term to evaluate the progress of the major upgrades. This is a report of the interim review.


Comments on the specified issues
1. Facility Status and Developments

 The Taiwan Contract Beamlines at SPring-8 (BL12XU and BL12B2) have been actively used by researchers from Taiwan, Japan, and other countries. Since the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) commenced user operation in 2016, NSRRC has been taking the direction toward the complementary use of TPS and SPring-8. TPS is taking over the activities of standard experiments from BL12XU/B2; for example, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and protein crystallography (PX). On the other hand, BL12XU and B2 have shifted their targets to applications in the high energy region where SPring-8 produces higher flux. The Review Committee highly evaluates those basic plans that NSRRC determined by carefully considering the users' trend and the situations of TPS and SPring-8.
 According to the basic plans, NSRRC proposed several development tasks at the term-end review in 2019. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has given a serious negative impact on the development activities since 2020. Nevertheless, the majority of the proposed tasks have made remarkable progress. On the whole, the Review Committee gives positive evaluation on the progress of the developments, which have led to the significant improvement in the end-station performances. However, some of the tasks are obviously delayed or decided not to be done. The Committee suggests that NSRRC should make an effort not only for the local optimization of each experimental system, but also for the total optimization of the beamlines as a user research platform. Comments from the Committee on the specific development tasks are as follows.
 The BL12XU mainline is used mainly for inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) experiments. The IXS instrument is also applicable to X-ray absorption spectroscopy in high energy-resolution fluorescence detection mode (HERFD-XAS). The BL12XU sideline is dedicated to hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES). Those techniques have been widely applied to researches in the field of materials science. NSRRC proposed the following development plans in the last review in 2019 to enhance the capabilities of BL12XU in the higher-energy region and for in-situ/operando experiments:


I. Modification of the resonant-IXS (HERFD-XAS) spectrometer.
II. Upgrade of the Laue spectrometer for X-ray Raman scattering (XRS) using high energy X-rays.
III. Replacement of the 15 spherical Bragg analyzers in the XRS spectrometer.
IV. Development of in-vacuum sample holder for operand HAPXES experiments.


 The Review Committee recognizes that Plan I and II have been accomplished. Now the IXS station has a world-competitive instrument with the high-resolution Bragg analyzers and unique bent Laue analyzer optimized for high-energy X-rays. The Committee encourages NSRRC to provide enough information to users in order to further promote the use of the IXS instrument. For example, the comparison of throughputs (or efficiency) between the Bragg and Laue spectrometers would be very informative. Unfortunately, Plans III and IV were not executed. It is understandable that NSRRC had to make that choice according to changes in the circumstances since 2019. The Committee suggests that NSRRC should carefully review the unexecuted plans.
 BL12B2 provides research opportunities with standard methods such as XAS, powder XRD, and PX. Since the commencement of the TPS operation, NSRRC has focused more on the in-situ/operando XAS and XRD experiments using high energy X-rays. The PX capability has been mostly transferred to TPS and BL44XU operated by the Institute for Protein Research (IPR), Osaka University. The following development plans were proposed in the last review in 2019:


i. Monochromator modification for high energy X-rays.
ii. End-station upgrades for high-energy XRD and projected X-ray microscopy (PXM) experiments.


 The Review Committee appreciates that both plans have been mostly accomplished. Those upgrades would accelerate the high-energy and in-situ/operando activities.


2. Operation and Management

 The facility is managed by the NSRRC Taiwan Beamline Office at SPring-8 with an onsite scientific/technical team, which is in charge of the beamline operation including maintenance, user support, and R&D for the beamline upgrade. NSRRC is also responsible for the proposal selection and safety management in close cooperation with JASRI. The Review Committee appreciates that the current system for the operation and management works well on the whole.
 NSRRC has promoted the complementary use of TPS and BL12XU/B2. The standard experiments have been mostly transferred to TPS, which is more convenient for Taiwanese researchers to use. The main targets of BL12XU/B2 are directed to high-energy and in-situ/operand experiments now. The Review Committee acknowledges that the NSRRC's policy works successfully. For example, the promotion of in-situ/operando studies on energy materials at BL12B2 has led to high-profile publications. The Committee encourages NSRRC to further accelerate those efforts. For this purpose, it is hoped that NSRRC will provide further support on the onsite team and more actively collaborate with Japan-based user groups having extensive experience both at SPring-8 and TPS. It might also be useful to form a user community which can promote collaboration between Taiwanese and Japanese researchers.


3. Research Activities
 The beamlines are open for international users and produce high-impact results. Taking the suggestions of the Review Committee in 2016, NSRRC proceeded the strategic promotion of material sciences to increase the number of users at the beamline. It is recognized that the publication from both beamlines was significantly enhanced in 2019 and 2020, mainly due to the contribution of energy material users. Unfortunately, the number of users has drastically decreased after 2021 because of the restriction of Taiwan users' traveling due to the pandemic. As a result, ex-situ experiments were mainly performed, and in-situ/operand experiments, where the onsite presence of users is required in most cases, were not attempted/possible. Nevertheless, the beamlines kept a number of publications compared to the average level of the standard SPring-8 beamlines, and highly cited results have been continuously produced in the fields of energy materials and catalytic chemistry. It is worth noting that despite the pandemic, excellent research results have been achieved. Therefore, the Review Committee expects that user activities and productivity will recover soon after the travel restrictions are lifted. Note that as one of the measures to prevent the decline in research activities until the onsite user returns, it might be helpful to implement a system that facilitates remote experiments. 


4. Future Plan for the Next Phase
 NSRRC presented a future plan to upgrade BL12XU/B2 by considering the complimentary use of Taiwan Light Source (TLS) and TPS. They focus on extending the active range in X-ray energy to the high-energy side at SPring-8. This direction is consistent with the beamline's target on condensed matter science and catalytic chemistry research. International users, including Taiwanese users, will be able to perform experiments in a wide energy range using these world-class synchrotron facilities. The strategy of effectively utilizing the three X-ray facilities of TLS, TPS, and SPring-8 is excellent, and the future plan of upgrade is basically well organized. Regarding the SPring-8-II project, a flexible and consistent plan that reflects current progress and possible changes in the situation has been proposed. To carry out the beamline renewal plan, the Committee recommends sharing the latest information on the source with the RIKEN and JASRI staff.


 BL12B2 and BL12XU are productive beamlines operated by NSRRC Taiwan Beamline Office at SPring-8 with consideration of synergies with TLS and TPS. Although the activities are reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of the proposed tasks in the previous Review Committee meeting have made progress, and high impact outcomes were produced each year. The future plan presented by the NSRRC clearly shows the strategic and complementary role of BL12B2 and XU in the overall quantum beam facilities, including TLS, TPS, and ANSTO. The Review Committee appreciated their future plan considering SPring-8-II, and concluded that the continuation of contract was suitable.






1. 「ビームラインとステーションの構成と性能」に対する評価
 本施設を構成するアンジュレータ光源は、30 m長直線部に水平及び垂直偏光を発生する8の字アンジュレータを交互に8セグメント配置することにより、偏光面が水平あるいは鉛直の直線偏光だけでなく任意角度の直線偏光、左右円偏光の発生と円偏光度の切り替えが可能な仕様となっており、SPring-8初となるだけでなく世界的にも唯一の高輝度・高機能アンジュレータ光源である。高輝度の長尺アンジュレータとスリットレスの高性能軟X線分光器をあわせた光源の構成は高輝度と高分解能を同時に実現することができる。高速偏光スイッチングを活用した利用研究を牽引し、建設がすすむNanoTerasuでの新たな光源・ビームライン設計につなげたことは高く評価できる。
 実験ステーションとしては、中間評価時に提案された次期計画に沿って各装置が高度化され、時空間分解雰囲気光電子分光、時間分解軟X線回折・イメージング、オペランドナノ顕微分光、共鳴非弾性散乱・回折の4つの実験装置として、さらなる整備がすすめられた。雰囲気光電子分光については、色収差を持たず分光計測に適した集光ミラー(Wolter mirror)を導入することにより、放射光ビームを2.7 μm(H) × 0.8 μm(V)まで集光することに成功し、空間分解能を大幅に向上させるとともに分光イメージング計測を可能とした。また雰囲気を100 mbarまで高めることで、より実環境に近い条件下での計測に成功している。フリーポートには新たに全反射ミラー光学系を導入し、全波長域で高分解能(~50 nm)イメージングを可能とする、軟X線タイコグラフィー装置を整備した。三次元走査型光電子顕微鏡ステーションでは高輝度放射光をフレネルゾーンプレートでスポットサイズは70 nmまで集光したナノビームを二次元平面内で操作しながら光電子スペクトルをマッピングすることや、光電子の放出角度依存性を利用した深さ方向の分析を加えた三次元空間解析、及びオペランド測定を行なっている。超高分解能軟X線発光ステーションでは、建設当時は世界最高性能である8,000以上のエネルギー分解能を達成し、溶液系に関する特色ある研究を展開している。また、高精度で運動量分解RIXS測定を行うために、試料と分光器を連動して回転させるθ-2θスキャン機構を導入し、本機構を用いた共鳴非弾性軟X線回折の測定にも成功している。

2. 「施設運用及び利用体制」に対する評価

3. 「利用成果」に対する評価


以 上



Print ISSN 1341-9668
[ - Vol.15 No.4(2010)]
Online ISSN 2187-4794