Volume 26, No.4 Pages 412 - 413
2018A期 採択長期利用課題の事後評価について – 3 –
Post-Project Review of Long-term Proposals Starting in 2018A -3-

なお、2018A期に採択された長期利用課題8課題のうち5課題の評価結果は、「SPring-8/SACLA利用者情報」Vol.26 No.2・No.3(2021年春号・夏号)に掲載済です。また残り1課題の評価結果は次号以降に掲載する予定です。
課題名 | メガバールケミストリーの推進 |
実験責任者(所属) | 清水 克哉(大阪大学) |
採択時課題番号 | 2018A0149 |
ビームライン | BL10XU |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2018A~2019B/96シフト |
残念ながら①について、固体水素の実験環境の確立には至らなかった。これは、水素の封入に困難があったためである。しかしながら、固体金属水素への挑戦に必要な開発要素(400 GPa超の高圧発生や付帯する物性計測技術等)は、ほぼ完成しており今後の研究の進展を期待させるものであった。
②については、ダイアモンドアンビル先端をトロイダル型形状にしたアンビルを作製して400 GPa超の圧力発生を達成した。また、このアンビルに電極プローブを挿入し、元素で最高の超伝導転移温度を持つカルシウムの超伝導を、350 GPaで計測することに成功しており、固体金属水素探索のための実験要素の確立という目標は達成されたと判断できる。
[1] SPring-8 publication ID = 38445
D. Meng et al.: "Superconductivity of the Hydrogen-Rich Metal Hydride Li5MoH11 under High Pressure" Physical Review B 99 (2019) 024508.
[2] SPring-8 publication ID = 38952
H. Nakao et al.: "Superconductivity of Pure H3S Synthesized from Elemental Sulfur and Hydrogen" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88 (2019) 123701.
[3] SPring-8 publication ID = 40603
M. Sakata et al.: "Superconductivity of Lanthanum Hydride Synthesized using AlH3 as a Hydrogen Source" Superconductor Science and Technology 33 (2020) 114004.
課題名 | Identifying mechanisms to improve newborn respiratory function using phase contrast X-ray imaging |
実験責任者(所属) | Hooper Stuart(Hudson Institute/Monash University) |
採択時課題番号 | 2018A0150 |
ビームライン | BL20B2 |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2018A~2019B/72シフト |
Original research purposes in this proposal are to develop phase contrast X-ray (PCX) imaging techniques to study lung aeration and then to identify mechanisms to improve newborn respiratory function. The researchers discovered a linear correlation between accurate lung air volume estimated from tomographic observations and the X-ray intensity transmitted through the chest. This correlation established in several animal species now provides a practical mean to measure regional inhomogeneity in lung air volume with high temporal resolution even during spontaneous breathing. Using the cross-disciplinary approach including PCX imaging, the researchers investigated the mechanisms that regulate spontaneous breathing, lung aeration, and laryngeal function during the transition from fetal to newborn life in premature newborns. Their achievements are reported as 17 peer-reviewed publications. The PCX imaging and analytical techniques which they developed through this proposal are expected to have an extensive effect on biomedical imaging field and resuscitation of very premature infants at birth. Overall, the committee judged the overall achievements of the proposal "Successful".
[1] SPring-8 publication ID = 41982
J. Dekker et al.: "Increasing Respiratory Effort With 100% Oxygen During Resuscitation of Preterm Rabbits at Birth" Frontiers in Pediatrics 7 (2019) 427.
[2] SPring-8 publication ID = 41983
F. Schaff et al.: "Material Decomposition Using Spectral Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging" IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39 (2020) 3891-3899.
[3] SPring-8 publication ID = 41984
D. W. O'Connell et al.: "Photon-counting, Energy-resolving and Super-resolution Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging using an Integrating Detector." Optics Express 28 (2020) 7080-7094.