Volume 24, No.2 Page 174
2014B期 採択長期利用課題の事後評価について – 2 –
Post-Project Review of Long-term Proposals Starting in 2014B -2-

なお、2014B期に採択された長期利用課題3課題のうち残り2課題の評価結果は、「SPring-8/SACLA利用者情報」Vol.23 No.1(2018年2月号)に掲載済です。
課題名 | Energy scanning X-ray diffraction study of extraterrestrial materials using synchrotron radiation |
実験責任者(所属) | Michael Zolensky(NASA) |
採択時課題番号 | 2014B0113 |
ビームライン | BL37XU |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2014B~2017A/54シフト |
This long-term project has attempted to characterize the crystal structures of minerals in the primitive asteroid and comet regolith samples and the effects of impact shock on asteroid and comet regolith samples, and to determine the origin and early history of aqueous fluids in the early solar system. For these works, the project leader has proposed an energy scanning X-ray diffraction technique at BL37XU, in which the x-ray energy is adjusted by changing the undulator gap and the angle of the monochromator, and diffraction patterns are collected on a two-dimensional detector. This approach to extraterrestrial fine particle is unique and needs continuing investigations to reach the final goal of understanding the birth and early evolution of the solar system.
For the project period, the project team has measured several samples, including the comet Wild-2 samples, asteroid Itokawa samples, and demonstrated that the energy scanning X-ray diffraction is successfully applicable to crystallographic characterization of extraterrestrial minerals. They have reported the results regularly in related conferences and meetings.
The committee appreciates their attempts, and found that some experimental results show a significant piece of information in planetary science. On the other hand, publication in a journal is delayed. The committee encourages the project team to publish the research results in order to share the information in the science community.
[1] SPring-8 publication ID = 31999
Q. Chan et al.: "Magnetite Plaquettes are Naturally Asymmetric Materials in Meteorites" American Mineralogist 101 (2016) 2041-2050.
[2] SPring-8 publication ID = 37205
K. Joy et al.: "Identification of Magnetite in Lunar Regolith Breccia 60016: Evidence for Oxidized Conditions at the Lunar Surface" Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50 (2015) 1157-1172.