Volume 21, No.2 Pages 120 - 124
2016A期 採択長期利用課題の紹介
Brief Description of Long-term Proposals Approved for 2016A

2015A期まで | 2015B期より | |
公募回数 | 年2回 | 年1回(A期から始まる課題) |
有効期間 | 3年 | 2年 |
評価方法 | 中間評価、事後評価 | 事後評価のみ |
配分シフト上限 (1課題あたり) |
ユーザータイムの16%まで | ユーザータイムの16%まで、ただしビームライン併用の場合も、合計で16%が上限 |
公募対象BL | 全共用BL(26本) | 全共用BL(26本)、ただし既に長期利用課題またはパートナーユーザー課題を合計2課題以上受け入れているBLは対象外 |
- 採択課題1 -
課題名 | 量子ビーム実験・理論計算とデータ科学の融合による非晶質物質の体系的な理解 |
実験責任者名(所属) | 小原 真司(NIMS) |
採択時の課題番号 | 2016A0130(BL01B1)、2016A0134(BL04B2) |
ビームライン | BL01B1、BL04B2(併用) |
審査結果 | 採択する |
- 採択課題2 -
課題名 | Magnetic Compton scattering and Fermiology studies in high magnetic fields |
実験責任者名(所属) | Jonathan Duffy(University of Warwick) |
採択時の課題番号 | 2016A0131 |
ビームライン | BL08W |
審査結果 | 採択する |
In the proposed Long-Term program, the purpose is to study several magnetic and strongly correlated systems under high magnetic fields up to 8 T, using the magnetic Compton scattering. The committee appreciated that the present project leader had already developed the equipment to perform the magnetic Compton scattering in such a high magnetic field. Thus, the committee recognizes that the project leader has potential abilities to complete the proposed project. It is also recognized that SPring-8 is one of the best facilities for the magnetic Compton scattering. In addition, the selected materials are related to quite hot topics in the condensed matter science. Then, if the project leader actually carries out all the proposed plans, the results would give significantly strong impacts to the science community all over the world. Therefore, the committee accepts the present proposal and offers 24 shifts of the beam time in the term 2016A, as requested.
However, the committee notices that the project leader has not published any original paper on the results in the previous Long-Term program. The committee strongly requests the project leader to publish some original papers on the results from the Long-Term program as soon as possible. If no paper is published during the next Long-Term program, the program will not be continued any further. The committee hopes that the project leader will publish important results of the Long-Term program soon and give a strong impact to the world.
The purpose of this project is to exploit the experimental developments that we made using the Long-Term project 2012B0045, during which we installed our x-ray compatible Oxford Instruments "Spectromag" cryomagnet for high field magnetic Compton scattering experiments. We will perform studies on a set of magnetic and strongly correlated systems under high magnetic fields of up to 8 T and temperatures down to 1.5 K. As well as experiments using high energy magnetic Compton scattering, we propose to attempt our first high resolution charge Compton scattering experiment using our high field sample environment.
Our new research programme is focused on two particular themes: (i) Magnetic Compton scattering studies of spin orbit coupling, especially in 5d and 5f electron systems, and (ii) high resolution charge Compton scattering studies of systems where a magnetic field applied to the sample may be important for Fermi surface topological transitions. Our high field sample environment has opened up the possibility for measuring many scientifically interesting materials and is available for use by other users.
Magnetic Compton scattering (MCS) samples the spin dependent electron momentum density through the use of circularly polarised synchrotron radiation. MCS is sensitive to only the spin moment of the sample. The technique requires a high energy monochromatic incident X-ray beam of circularly polarised photons at an energy of approximately 175 keV, and high scattering angles of approximately 170 degrees, in order to obtain good resolution. In this project, we will utilize the technique to isolate the spin contribution to the magnetic properties. Comparison with bulk magnetization will enable us to determine the orbital magnetic moments. We will also use our own electronic structure calculations of the electron momentum density. Putting these data together will provide detailed information about the importance of the competing spin orbit coupling and crystal fields.
High resolution charge Compton scattering is used to study Fermi surfaces and electron orbitals. For such studies, a higher resolution measurement of the electron momentum density than is currently possible in MCS experiments is required. An incident photon energy of 115 keV is typically used, with a crystal spectrometer to obtain the required momentum resolution. The technique has been used successfully on BL08W by a number of research groups, leading to a significant set of research publications. In this project, the technique will be used with our cryomagnet sample environment for the first time, in order to permit measurements to be made with an applied magnetic field. This will enable us to study the evolution of the electronic structure in an applied field, such as across metamagnetic transitions, and will be important to compare with experimental Fermi surface measurements from other techniques where field studies are not feasible.
- 採択課題3 -
課題名 | Examination of glottis function at birth with multi-view phase-contrast imaging |
実験責任者名(所属) | Stuart Hooper(Monash University) |
採択時の課題番号 | 2016A0132 |
ビームライン | BL20B2 |
審査結果 | 採択する |
In this Long-Term Proposal, the group led by Prof. Hooper is aiming to study the function of glottis at birth. In a fetus, the glottis is mostly closed and application of positive airway pressure via a facemask cannot inflate the lung. The glottis will eventually remain open when the lung is aerated but how the transition from the closed to the open state takes place and how it is regulated are unknown. This lack of understanding poses a serious problem when trying ventilate premature infants. If the mechanism that controls the switching of the glottis state is clarified, it may be possible to facilitate lung aeration by using a modified ventilation technique that takes it into account. The group plans to use a multi-beam phase-contrast imaging technique to visualize the glottis in a rabbit fetus. They further plan to study the effect of continuous positive airway pressure on the switch of the glottis function. This will help understand how non-invasive ventilation can be applied more effectively to newborn babies.
The multi-beam technique, which was developed by the JASRI staff, is unique to SPring-8 BL20B2. Since the technique has been developed only recently and requires further development and adaptation to this particular experiment, this work needs to be conducted as a Long-Term project. This proposal makes use of unique features of SPring-8 to solve a medically critical problem. It is indeed challenging, but from the achievements in this group's previous Long-Term projects, it is considered highly likely that this proposal will lead to a medically significant outcome again.
Research Purpose and Summary
Lung disease and respiratory failure affect many people at all stages of life and newborn infants are a particularly vulnerable age group. One of the major limitations in the advancement of diagnosis and treatment has been the lack of tools to accurately determine the condition of the lung. We utilise phase contrast X-ray imaging to visualise the lungs of animals that mimic human diseases. The advantage of phase contrast imaging is that the wavefronts refract as they move through media with different refractive indices, thus producing strong contrast at the air-tissue interfaces of the lung. This provides a detailed picture of the lung, even down to the small distal airways. This detail is not achievable in an other type of lung imaging. From the images we can measure a number of indices including lung aeration, rib movement and alveolar dimensions.
Our proposed research will exploit the major advances we have made in phase contrast X-ray imaging to continue to unravel the mysteries surrounding the transition to newborn life at birth and how this process can be assisted in premature infants. Specifically, we will focus on how face-mask ventilation can be optimised in spontaneously breathing premature newborns. This will involve shifting part of our imaging focus towards simultaneous imaging of the larynx and the lungs. We will expand on our recent discovery that the larynx, a muscle in the trachea/windpipe, is mostly closed at birth and opens only briefly during inspiration in premature rabbits. This prevents air entering the lungs when positive air pressures are applied via a face mask. We found it could take up to one hour for the larynx to switch to predominantly open, permitting ventilation via a face mask. Having a closed larynx at birth could explain why face-mask ventilation fails in many premature human newborns. Here we will characterise the state of the larynx in premature, newborn rabbits as they transition from a fetal (closed) to newborn (open) state, and identify methods to trigger the larynx to transition to an open state sooner, thus making face-mask ventilation more effective.
Aim 1: We will characterise the transitional physiology of the larynx at birth and determine the mechanism that switches larynx activity from the "fetal" into the "newborn state".
Aim 2: We will identify strategies that open the larynx and stimulate spontaneous breathing at birth.
Aim 3: We will investigate the effect of different CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) levels on respiratory function and transition at birth.
Expected outcomes
This Long-Term Proposal will expand our current research to answer critical questions regarding the transition from a fetus to a newborn, which will have very important clinical consequences.
ⅰ. We expect our findings to confirm that at birth the larynx is predominantly closed and ventilation via a face-mask will not inflate the lungs.
ⅱ. We anticipate that lung aeration and/or the state of oxygenation dictate whether the larynx is open or closed.
ⅲ. We anticipate we will identify new therapies that will aid the larynx switch to a predominantly open state.
ⅳ. We will define the optimal CPAP pressure for premature newborns to support the larynx switch and adequately aerate the lungs.
Overall these studies will define the optimal procedure for rapidly aerating the lungs of premature newborns.
- 採択課題4 -
課題名 | P型ATPaseの結晶構造解析 |
実験責任者名(所属) | 豊島 近(東京大学) |
採択時の課題番号 | 2016A0133 |
ビームライン | BL41XU |
審査結果 | 採択する |
Ca2+-ATPaseでは、これまでにカルシウムポンプの反応サイクル全体をほぼカバーする10状態の中間体の立体構造を高分解能で決定してイオンの能動輸送の大略を明らかにしてきたが、本課題では、新たに組み換えタンパク質を用いた変異体解析を精力的に行い、より詳細に反応サイクル機構の解明を目指している。また、Na+,K+-ATPaseについては、このイオンポンプが高血圧や糖尿病、癌やアルツハイマー病、若年性パーキンソン病等に深く関与していることから、新世代の強心ステロイドとして注目されているistaroximeとの複合体の構造解析を、さらに、Ca2+-ATPaseと同じようにイオンポンプの作動機序を原子レベルで明らかにする研究では、海産毒素palytoxinとの複合体の構造解析を行い、真の構造生物学的研究を目指している。一方、研究手法の開発を目指す脂質二重膜との相互作用解析では、申請者らはこれまでに、X線溶液散乱(SAXS)で利用されるコントラスト変調法を、結晶構造解析に応用するという斬新なアイデアで、膜タンパク質に結合したリン脂質の可視化に成功してきたが、本課題では、コントラスト変調剤に代わって重原子(Ta, W)クラスターを利用した新しい手法を開発して、これまでの手法では得られない詳細なリン脂質の構造情報を得ることを目指している。