Volume 21, No.2 Pages 136 - 139
2012B期 採択長期利用課題の事後評価について
Post-Project Review of Long-term Proposals Starting in 2012B
- 課題1 -
課題名 | Development of spin-resolved Compton scattering in high magnetic fields: probing the orbitals in complex oxides |
実験責任者(所属) | Jonathan Duffy(University of Warwick) |
採択時課題番号 | 2012B0045 |
ビームライン | BL08W |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2012B~2015A/108シフト |
The purpose of this long-term project is to install a cryomagnet into the magnetic Compton scattering spectrometer at the BL08W beamline and develop studies of magnetic systems and interactions under high magnetic fields of up to 9 T and temperatures down to 1.5 K. For the duration of the project, the project group has successfully installed and tested the new system and then demonstrated that it can collect high quality data at low temperatures and high magnetic fields never achieved before at BL08W, by overcoming some technical issues, such as sample movement by magnetic field and background corrections for small samples. In addition, they have developed a software that is able to derive theoretical magnetic Compton profiles from the wave function output by the ELK code. By both the development of the experimental technique and the advance in the theoretical modeling and interpretation, they have made a methodology ready for exploitation of new measurements. This achievement is highly evaluated by the review committee.
Along with the effort on methodology, the project group has studied several materials that are scientifically interesting and technologically important. They include the electronic structure of CeB6 with induced, anisotropic B-2p magnetization, that of Ca3Co2O6 with Co3+ configuration and no oxygen spin-polarization, spin polarization in half-metal Co2MnSi, preliminary measurement of Nd2Ir2O7 and others. Among them, the three sets of results, i.e. CeB6, Ca3Co2O6 and Co2MnSi, have been already published in a PhD thesis and presented in invited talks at a number of international conferences and meetings. However, the review committee notices that publications in scientific journals are rather delayed, although the measurements have been carried out in the second half of the project period. The committee expect that the results reported to the committee will be published in scientific journals shortly.
In summary, the review committee judges that this project has achieved its goals and evaluates it as one of successful long-term projects.
- 課題2 -
課題名 | X線分光法による臨界価数ゆらぎによる新しい量子臨界現象の実験的検証 |
実験責任者(所属) | 渡辺 真仁(九州工業大学) |
採択時課題番号 | 2012B0046 |
ビームライン | BL39XU |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2012B~2015A/183シフト |
本長期利用課題は、X線分光法を用いて臨界価数ゆらぎによる新しい量子臨界現象の実験的検証を目指したものである。重い電子系金属YbNi3Ga9におけるYbの1次の価数転移と臨界終点の発見により、この目的はほぼ達成されていると判断できる。本課題研究では、X線吸収分光(XAS)測定により、幅広い温度・圧力相図の中でYbの価数が決定された。その結果、価数クロスオーバー線が、低温極限で常磁性・反強磁性境界圧力Pc~9 GPa付近に収斂するという興味深い実験事実が見出された。さらに、磁場を加えた温度・圧力・磁場相図の中で、臨界終点近傍での異常な臨界現象が発見された。これらの結果は、この価数揺動系における新しい量子臨界現象を示唆するもので、臨界価数揺らぎの理論的予想と一致しており、大変興味深いものである。もう一つの大きな成果は、準結晶Y15Au51Al34における磁場誘起の価数クロスオーバー領域の発見である。準結晶では量子臨界「点」がある拡がりを持つ量子臨界「領域」を形成するという実験結果は、強相関電子系分野だけでなく準結晶分野にも強いインパクトを与えることが予想される。このように本課題において達成された成果は、非常に学術的価値の高いものである。
[1]SPring-8 publication ID = 25179
H. Nakai et al.: "Temperature and Magnetic Field Dependent Yb Valence in YbRh2Si2 Observed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82 (2013) 124712.
[2]SPring-8 publication ID = 25939
S. Watanabe et al.: "Robustness of Quantum Criticality of Valence Fluctuations" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82 (2013) 083704.
[3]SPring-8 publication ID = 28096
N. Kawamura et al.: "High Pressure Properties for Electrical Resistivity and Ce Valence State of Heavy-Fermion Antiferromagnet Ce2NiGa12" Journal of Physics: Conference Series 568 (2014) 042015.
[4]SPring-8 publication ID = 28555
K. Matsubayashi et al.: "Pressure-Induced Valence Crossover and Novel Metamagnetic Behavior near the Antiferromagnetic Quantum Phase Transition of YbNi3Ga9" Physical Review Letters 114 (2015) 086401.
[5]SPring-8 publication ID = 28684
T. Watanuki et al.: "Thermal Expansion of a Au-Al-Yb Intermediate Valence Quasicrystal" Solid State Communications 211 (2015) 19-22.
[6]SPring-8 publication ID = 28685
N. Kawamura: "Study of Electronic and Magnetic States Probed by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy under High Pressure" 高圧力の科学と技術(The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology)25 (2015) 38-48.
[7]SPring-8 publication ID = 30041
S. Watanabe et al.: "T/B Scaling in β-YbAlB4" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83 (2014) 103708.
[8]SPring-8 publication ID = 30042
K. Miyake et al.: "Unconventional Quantum Criticality Due to Critical Valence Transition" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83 (2014) 061006.
[9]SPring-8 publication ID = 30043
T. Terashima et al.: "X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in the Heavy Fermion Compound α-YbAlB4 at High Magnetic Fields" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 84 (2015) 114715.
[10]SPring-8 publication ID = 30044
S. Watanabe et al.: "Wide Quantum Critical Region of Valence Fluctuations: Origin of Robust Quantum Criticality in Quasicrystal Yb15Al34Au51 under Pressure" Journal of Physics: Conference Series 592 (2015) 012087.
[11]SPring-8 publication ID = 30046
S. Watanabe et al.: "Quantum Criticality and Emergence of the T/B Scaling in Strongly Correlated Metals" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 400 (2016) 13-16.
[12]SPring-8 publication ID = 30047
T. Terashima et al.: "Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy Study on the Valence State and Magnetization in α-YbAl1-xFexB4 (x = 0.115) at Low Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields" Journal of Physics: Conference Series 592 (2015) 012020.
[13]SPring-8 publication ID = 30072
F. Honda et al.: "X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Novel Electronic Properties in Heavy Fermion Compounds YbT2Zn20 (T: Rh and Ir)" Journal of Physics: Conference Series 592 (2015) 012021.
[14]SPring-8 publication ID = 30606
Y. Sakaguchi: "Structural Properties and Electronic States in Heavy Fermion YbAlB4 Under High Pressure" Doctor Thesis (University of Hyogo) (2016).
- 課題3 -
課題名 | Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging of the Lung |
実験責任者(所属) | Stuart Hooper(Monash University) |
採択時課題番号 | 2012B0047 |
ビームライン | BL20B2 |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2012B~2015A/111シフト |
In this long-term project, the group led by Prof. Hooper worked on new-born rabbits and studied changes in the pulmonary system that occur at birth. Several scientific goals had been set such as (1) optimizing the use of sustained inflation for aeration of the lung, (2) investigating mechanisms of increase in pulmonary blood flow that accompanies lung aeration, (3) optimizing resuscitation and ventilation in neonates with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, (4) developing and improving image analysis techniques to estimate regional lung air volume more accurately. Although it seemed in the beginning that there were too many tasks to tackle, the group successfully obtained valuable results in all of these studies and made other additional findings as well. These have been published in 18 papers in both medical and physics journals and more are being prepared. The key to their success was to make best use of coherent X-rays of BL20B2. Although the results were highly controversial, the high quality of the images, available only by using SPring-8, made them acceptable to the medical people and helped improve resuscitation techniques worldwide. For this international collaborative research, the group included physicists, biologists, engineers and clinicians. The project also helped several students to get degrees. Judging from its influences and publications, the project can be not only considered highly successful but regarded as one of the best scientific studies made by fully utilizing potentials of SPring-8.
[1]SPring-8 publication ID = 25916
S. Hooper et al.: "Establishing Functional Residual Capacity in the Non-breathing Infant" Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 18 (2013) 336-343.
[2]SPring-8 publication ID = 25920
A. Leong et al.: "Measurement of Absolute Regional Lung Air Volumes from Near-Field X-ray Speckles" Optics Express 21 (2013) 27905-27923.
[3]SPring-8 publication ID = 25921
S. Hooper et al.: "Expired CO2 Levels Indicate Degree of Lung Aeration at Birth" PLoS One 8 (2013) e70895.
[4]SPring-8 publication ID = 25972
R. Carnibella et al.: "Decoding the Structure of Granular and Porous Materials from Speckled Phase Contrast X-ray Images" Optics Express 21 (2013) 19153-19162.
[5]SPring-8 publication ID = 30092
M. Kitchen et al.: "X-ray Specks: Low Dose in vivo Imaging of Lung Structure and Function" Physics in Medicine and Biology 60 (2015) 7259-7276.
[6]SPring-8 publication ID = 30093
A. Leong et al.: "Real-time Measurement of Alveolar Size and Population using Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging" Biomedical Optics Express 5 (2014) 4024-4038.
[7]SPring-8 publication ID = 30094
R. Carnibella et al.: "Single-shot X-ray Measurement of Alveolar Size Distributions" Proceedings of SPIE 9038 (2014) 90380V.
[8]SPring-8 publication ID = 30095
J. Lang et al.: "Increase in Pulmonary Blood Flow at Birth: Role of Oxygen and Lung Aeration" The Journal of Physiology 594 (2016) 1389-1398.