Volume 20, No.3 Pages 266 - 267
2011B期 採択長期利用課題の事後評価について -3-
Post-Project Review of Long-term Proposals Starting in 2011B -3-

なお、3課題のうち先に事後評価が行われた2課題の評価結果については、「SPring-8/SACLA利用者情報」Vol.20 No.1(2015年2月号)の88~89ページおよびNo.2(2015年5月号)の192~193ページに掲載済みです。
課題名 | Structural and functional understanding of secondary active transporters |
実験責任者(所属) | Nieng Yan(Tsinghua University) |
採択時課題番号 | 2011B0040 |
ビームライン | BL41XU |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2011B~2014A/37.5シフト |
Original research purposes in this proposal are to determine the crystal structures of secondary active transporters with different conformation and to elucidate substrate recognition and energy coupling mechanisms. Elucidation of dynamic process of the working states of the transporters is also considered to dissect the energy coupling mechanism.
In the last three years, Yan et al. have published several high impact and notable results in major scientific journals such as Nature and Science by elucidating the structure-function relationship on the secondary active transporters with the support of BL41XU at SPring-8. However, as pointed out in the comments of the interim review, such excellent results are limited in side projects such as XylE, its homolog GLUT1-4, PPR proteins, TAL effectors, and voltage-gated sodium channel NavRh, and no significant progress have been published in the crystallographic analyses on the transporters described in the original proposal such as AdiC, FucP, and UraA.
But, nevertheless, the scientific results obtained by Yan et al. are satisfactory, because the results are all related to the main project and published in the major journals. In view of these considerations, this project reaches a goal, and the review committee would like to expect that, based on the results obtained in this project, the structural analyses of the transporters described in the original proposal and their intermediated states are carried out in the near future, and also the targets are extended from bacterial transporter to eukaryotic transporter to find out a general rule for structural change coupled with energy transfer.
Thus, the committee is convinced that this long-term project was a highly successful one.
[1] SPring-8 publication ID = 21597
X. Zhang et al.: "Crystal Structure of an Orthologue of the NaChBac Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel" Nature 486 (2012) 130-134.
[2] SPring-8 publication ID = 23895
L. Sun et al.: "Crystal Structure of a Bacterial Homologue of Glucose Transporters GLUT1-4" Nature 490 (2012) 361-366.
[3] SPring-8 publication ID = 23896
D. Deng et al.: "Structural Basis for Sequence-Specific Recognition of DNA by TAL Effectors" Sciences 335 (2012) 720-723.
[4] SPring-8 publication ID = 27025
P. Yin et al.: "Structural Basis for the Modular Recognition of Single-Stranded RNA by PPR Proteins" Nature 504 (2013) 168-171.
[5] SPring-8 publication ID = 28172
J. Wang et al.: "Crystal Structure of a Bacterial Homologue of SWEET Transporters" Cell Research 24 (2014) 1486-1489.