
Volume 17, No.3 Pages 262 - 263

4. SPring-8 通信/SPring-8 COMMUNICATIONS

2009A期 採択長期利用課題の事後評価について
Post-Project Review of Long-term Proposals Starting in 2009A

(公財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用業務部 User Administration Division, JASRI

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 事後評価は、長期利用分科会が実験責任者に対しヒアリングを行った後、評価を行うという形式で実施し、SPring-8利用研究課題審査委員会で評価結果を取りまとめました。以下に対象となる長期利用課題2課題の評価結果を示します。研究内容については本誌227ページの「最近の研究から/FROM LATEST RESEARCH」に実験責任者による紹介記事を掲載しています。

課題名 脳組織の位相差CTによる可視化
実験責任者(所属) 小野寺 宏
((独)国立病院機構 西多賀病院)
採択時課題番号 2009A0021、2009A0023
ビームライン BL20B2(2009A0021)、BL20XU(2009A0023)


課題名 Phase contrast X-ray imaging of the lung
実験責任者(所属) Rob Lewis(Monash University)
採択時課題番号 2009A0022
ビームライン BL20B2

This proposal aims to identify a better ventilation method in preterm infants and to study structural and functional aspects of adult lung diseases such as asthma, fibrosis and emphysema. The employed technique is a propagation-based phase contrast imaging (PCI) at BL20B2. Coordination of physical technique and medical biology has resulted in many outstanding results. Imaging of a newborn rabbit showed an unexpected aeration process in which inspiration plays an important role in airway liquid clearance. This observation is not in accordance with the commonly accepted mechanism in which lung liquid is continuously removed by osmotic pressure. Based on this new observation, use of positive end-expiratory pressure is recommended for resuscitation of a preterm infant. It was also found that the expired CO2 level indicates the degree of lung aeration, which is a valuable index in clinical diagnosis. In experiments in which PCI was combined with angiography of a newborn rabbit, it was found that partial lung aeration can stimulate an increase in pulmonary blood flow of the entire lung. These new findings will undoubtedly lead to better understanding of lung aeration at birth.

Also notable is the combination of PCI and particle image velocimetry (PIV) that has been developed in this long-term project. The resultant time-resolved 3D tomographic images provided information on lung pathology at high spatial resolution. Both temporal and spatial patterns of lung aeration at birth were imaged successfully in newborn rabbit and a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis. Application of the PIV technique to high resolution lung imaging is novel and the development of analytical and visualization software is admirable. This software will be of great help to users of synchrotron imaging all over the world.

By clarifying the mechanism of liquid removal in the lung of newborn rabbit and proposing a better ventilation method for preterm human infants, this study has already made a significant contribution to clinical medicine. From the publications and developments achieved, the committee is convinced that this long-term project was a highly successful one.

Print ISSN 1341-9668
[ - Vol.15 No.4(2010)]
Online ISSN 2187-4794