
Volume 16, No.4 Pages 328 - 331

5. SPring-8 通信/SPring-8 COMMUNICATIONS

2011B期 採択長期利用課題の紹介
Brief Description of Long-term Proposals Approved for 2011B

(財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用業務部 User Administration Division, JASRI

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− 採択課題1 −

課題名 超伝導元素の極限環境における構造物性
実験責任者名 清水 克哉(大阪大学)
採択時の課題番号 2011B0038
ビームライン BL10XU

 現在、カルシウムが約200 GPaの超高圧下において約30 Kの超伝導転移を示し、これが元素の中で最も高い。カルシウムを例に挙げると、超伝導が発現し大きく転移温度が変化する高圧相(Ca-III)は室温の構造解析からは単純立方格子であるとされる。しかし、単純立方格子は高圧下では安定ではないはずで、理論的にも構造の安定性さらには超伝導発現の根拠が見出せなかった。そこで、超伝導が発現する低温での構造解析を行うことで初めて超伝導を示す結晶構造が発見され、さらには理論計算との解釈の一致をみることができるようになってきた。このように、超伝導の発現や転移温度の上昇が特に圧力誘起構造相転移と密接に関係していることは、低温度でのその場構造解析と物性測定が不可欠であり、かつ強力な研究手法であることを示した。これらはSPring-8において実施してきたこれまでの精密な構造解析の成果であり、特にその超伝導を生み出している結晶構造を実験的にも理論的にも解明しようとする大きな研究領域を生んでいる。このように、極限環境下における元素の構造物性研究は、超伝導物質や新規な物質探索のフロンティアであり、本利用課題を通じて、国内外の他の放射光施設ではなし得ない、超高圧下の革新的な物性プローブを世界に先駆けてSPring-8において確立することも目的の一つといえる。


− 採択課題2 −

課題名 放射光X線を用いた多成分からなる 自己集合性錯体の単結晶構造解析
実験責任者名 藤田 誠(東京大学)
採択時の課題番号 2011B0039
ビームライン BL38B1、BL41XU(併用)

 近年、自己組織化を利用したものづくりや、得られた生成物の特異な構造に由来する新しい反応開発・物性発現に関する研究が盛んに行われている。藤田グループでは、金属-配位子間で形成される配位結合を駆動力として用いた自己組織化合成を世界に先駆けて研究した。近年では、人工系で世界最多である72成分からなる球状錯体の合成[1][1] Q.-F. Sun et al.: “Self-Assembled M24L48Polyhedra and Their Sharp Structural Switch upon Subtle Ligand Variation” Science 328 (2010) 1144-1147.や、中空構造の球状錯体の内部を3次元的なテンプレートとする新しい合成法を使い、シリカナノ粒子の錯体内での合成[2][2] K. Suzuki et al.: “Template synthesis of precisely monodisperse silica nanoparticles within self-assembled organometallic spheres” Nature Chem. 2 (2010) 25-29.を達成するなど、直径が数ナノメートルにおよぶ錯体分子の研究を精力的に展開してきている。このように独自の分子構築法を使って他に類をみない研究を展開すべく、現在、配位子の分子設計を工夫することで、より大きく複雑な分子を自己組織化によって構築することをめざしている。さらに、錯体骨格に対して化学修飾を行うことで特異機能の発現をめざし、無機化学や構造生物学などの周辺分野との融合的な展開を目的に研究を進めている。

[1] Q.-F. Sun et al.: “Self-Assembled M24L48 Polyhedra and Their Sharp Structural Switch upon Subtle Ligand Variation” Science 328 (2010) 1144-1147.
[2] K. Suzuki et al.: “Template synthesis of precisely monodisperse silica nanoparticles within self-assembled organometallic spheres” Nature Chem. 2 (2010) 25-29.


− 採択課題3 −

課題名 Structural and functional understanding of secondary active transporters
実験責任者名 Nieng Yan(Tsinghua University)
採択時の課題番号 2011B0040
ビームライン BL41XU

 It is estimated that approximately 30% of the coding genes in human genome are for integral membrane proteins. Membrane proteins play an essential role in multi-processes of all kinds of life forms. They are also the major drug targets. It was reported that over 50% of the FDA-approved drugs target membrane proteins, with 26% of them targeting GPCRs. However, due to the technical challenges, it is hard to conduct biochemical and structural studies on membrane protein. The lack of structural and biochemical characterization of membrane proteins severely restricted our knowledge on this important family of proteins.
 Transport proteins constitute a major class of membrane proteins that mediate the exchange of chemicals and signals across the biological membrane. The lipid bilayer sets a hydrophobic barrier that insulates the cellular or organelle contents from the environment. Although some low molecular weight chemicals can be permeated directly through membrane, most of the hydrophilic chemicals, such as sugars, amino acids, ions, drugs, etc, require specific transport proteins to traffic through the hydrophobic wall. Therefore, transport proteins play an essential role in a broad spectrum of cellular activities, such as uptake of nutrients, release of metabolites, and signal transductions. A large number of diseases are correlated with the malfunction of membrane transporters. Transport proteins are direct targets of widely prescribed drugs such as antidepressants and heartburn relief.
 On the basis of the energy utilization, transport proteins may be classified to primary active transporters, secondary active transporters, facilitators, and channels, among which, the secondary active transporters exploit the electrochemical potential to shuttle a variety of substrates against their concentration gradient. We are particularly interested in the functional mechanism of the secondary active transporters. An alternating-access model was proposed to account for a general mechanism of transporter proteins. In this model, to upload and download substrate, a transporter protein adopts at least two conformations: one exclusively open to the outside and the other to the inside of the membrane. This model was supported by several lines of structural and biophysical evidence. Nevertheless, there are two most interesting and general questions yet to be addressed. First, what is the energy coupling mechanism for the active transporters? Second, what triggers the obligatory conformational change of the transporter during the transport cycle?
 In order to address these fundamental questions in the mechanistic understanding of the transporter proteins, my lab launched structure-based investigations of the secondary active transporters and we hope to ultimately capture the dynamic process of the working cycle of the representative transporters and to dissect the energy coupling mechanism.

 This proposal aims to study the function of secondary active transporters by structure determination of their intermediate states. The proposer’s group has published crystal structures of several bacterial transporters which carry fucose, formate, uracil, and amino acids across the cell membrane. These novel structures were published in major scientific journals.
 To obtain a crystal of an intermediate state in membrane transport, it is necessary to stop the transport cycle and keep it at a certain stage. For this purpose, the proposer plans to make use of site-directed mutants of the proteins. This is a reasonable approach for functional studies with protein crystallography. Although technical difficulties are expected in the crystallization of the membrane proteins and the technical details to overcome these difficulties were not clear in the proposal, the Proposal Review Committee is convinced from the past achievements made by the proposer that interesting results will be obtained in this long-term proposal. For the progress of this research, a regular access to SPring-8 and the undulator beamline BL41XU is necessary.
 The general scientific trend in protein crystallography is shifting from simple structural determination to clarification of functional mechanisms. Thus, this proposal is a timely one. However, the proposer should be aware that structural determination of just a few conformations of the protein may not be sufficient for full understanding of the transport mechanism. The Proposal Review Committee encourages the proposer to continue this difficult work until results with a high scientific value will be obtained.

Print ISSN 1341-9668
[ - Vol.15 No.4(2010)]
Online ISSN 2187-4794