
Volume 01, No.2 Pages 31 - 33


International collaboration under the three-way framework agreement between the APS, ESRF and SPring-8

大野 英雄

日本原子力研究所・理化学研究所 大型放射光施設計画推進共同チーム 研究開発グループ

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 3rd joint APS-ESRF-SPring-8 workshop was held at SPring-8 on April 15 and 16, 1996 based on the three-way Framework Agreement between these three facilities. More than 50 members were participated to the workshop.

 This agreement signed in May 1993 in Grenoble. The purpose of the agreement is to foster international scientific collaboration among the three third generation synchrotron radiation institutions, to combine the expertise from each institution to accomplish unique scientific goals, and to develop and use specialized knowledge and facilities on an international basis. Mode of collaboration approved in the Agreement are, annual technical workshops, exchange of scientific personnel, exchange of technical information, and R&D projects on various subjects such as accelerators, insertion devices, beamline components, optics, detectors, and so forth.

 The 1st workshop based on this agreement was scheduled on January 1994 in ESRF and these threeway collaborations in 1994-1995 have focused on four areas; beam position monitors(BPM's), particle orbit control methodologies, small-gap vacuum chambers, and high heat load optics.

 At 2nd workshop on May 8-9, 1995 in APS, progress in each of these four areas of collaborations was discussed and future collaborations in 1995-1996 have been identified for the accelerators, insertion devices and beamline component areas. The following two proposals were made as high priority for development into three-way collaboration; (1)installation of a SPring-8 undulator with variable-gap chamber in the ESRF storage ring for testing, and (2)installation of bellows with flexible RF shields in the ESRF storage ring for testing.

 At 3rd workshop, progress in accelerators, insertion devices, optics, detectors and beamline program was discussed. The followings are summary of the workshop and some proposals are discussed as threeway collaboration in the coming year. The next workshop is scheduled on February, 1997 in Grenoble.



- RF-BPMs and COD correction were successfully tested at ESRF using a prototype RF-BPM of APS.
- APS algorithm SVD(Single Value Decomposition) for the COD correction is useful and adopted at ESRF.
- X-ray BPMs were developed using CVD diamond, which are not yet satisfactory, but promising. Especially, Smart XBPMs developed at APS are interesting.
- RF liners or RF contacts at bellows were successfully tested at ESRF using sock type liners developed at APS.
- Diagnostics using synchrotron radiation: Visible and UV light is useful to see the time structure and cleanliness of single bunched beam, but limited for emittance measurement because of the diffraction limit. X-ray pinhole method is working for the online measurement of the emittance at ESRF, and will be installed at APS.
More elaborated version is planned at SPring-8. Uniform procedure of data analysis was suggested to measure and compare the brilliance at three institutions.
- Correction of nonlinear resonances and coupling needs more detailed investigation. Collaboration to be developed.
- Longitudinal instabilities and cure: Coupled bunch instability caused by HOMs and bunch lengthening and widening caused by impedance, especially by RF liners, should be investigated further.
- Prospective R&D in view of the 4th generation light sources should be performed, especially in regard to the possibilities of SASE being envisaged at APS and SPring-8.
- Topping-off operation is to be tested at APS and ESRF.
- Radiation dose received by IDs need a long term survey.


(2)insertion devices

- SPring-8 tests of the in-vacuum ID at ESRF. APS participates in the test.
- APS develops and builds the magnetic measurement bench for SPring-8.
- ESRF, APS and SPring-8 share and exchange the information on the radiation pattern in SR tunnel and effects of radiation damage of IDs.
- SPring-8, ESRF and APS share and exchange the information on magnetic measurement techniques for helical undulators.


(3)beamline components/optics

- Information exchange for polished Be windows to get high quality coherent X-ray.
- Standardized measurement for beam properties (flux, brilliance, coherence)
- Feasibility study of robots use on beamline: handling of samples, of image plates.
- SPring-8 progresses synthesis of diamond single crystals.
- SPring-8 develops <011>-grown FZ silicon.
- APS provides the in-situ mirror test station.



- Cooperation for in-situ tests at all institutions
- SPring-8 will test CVD diamond XBPM at ESRF and APS



- Joint testing and evaluation of CCD based X-ray detectors on ESRF beamline
- Access to ESRF 'know-how' on production of high resolution scintillation screens
- Consideration of ESRF data-acquisition electronics for the SPring-8 "M-CCDX" detector



Participants list from APS and ESRF

D.Moncton Y.Petroff
G.Shenoy J-L.Laclare
Y.Cho C.I.Branden
J.Galayda G.Marot
E.Gluskin E.Ziegler
J.Jones J.Morse
S.Kim B.Pulford
T.Kuzay S.Wakatsuki
D.Mills J.M.Filhol
M.Borland P.Elleaume



3rd joint APS-ESRF-SPring-8 workshop April 15 and 16, 1996 program

Monday, April 15
SPring-8  (H.Kamitsubo)
APS  (D.Moncton)
ESRF  (Y.Petroff)
APS APS commissioning status and technique
Orbit stability measurements at APS
APS beam size measurements
RF BPM performance data from APS
APS bellows heating tests at ESRF
ESRF ESRF source performance objectives
Machine operation at ESRF
SPring-8 Status of SPring-8
Calibration procedure for RFBPM at SPring-8
Emittance measurement with an X-ray pinhole array
Backward Compton scattering at SPring-8 to generate high energy gamma rays
Insertion Devices
APS Performance of undulators at the APS
ESRF ESRF performances
SPring-8 Status of the SPring-8
Tuesday, April 16
Beamlines/Optics/Detectors development
APS Update on tests of internally cooled Si monochrom ator crystals using liquid nitrogen
X-BPM development at APS and results of tests performed at ESRF
ESRF Beamline engineering ESRF
SPring-8 SPring-8-Sumitomo collaboration on synthetic diamond crystals
Tow dimensional detector
Beamline program
APS  (G.Shenoy)
ESRF  (C.Branden)
SPring-8 Beamline program in SPring-8
Soft X-ray spectroscopy in solid
High energy inelastic scattering
RIKEN beamline
JAERI beamline
Summaries/Further collaboration/Open discussion
 Insertion devices
 Beamline components/optics/detectors



Print ISSN 1341-9668
[ - Vol.15 No.4(2010)]
Online ISSN 2187-4794