Volume 23, No.3 Pages 254 - 255
2016A期 採択長期利用課題の事後評価について – 1 –
Post-Project Review of Long-term Proposals Starting in 2016A -1-
課題名 | Magnetic Compton scattering and Fermiology studies in high magnetic fields |
実験責任者(所属) | Duffy Jonathan (University of Warwick) |
採択時課題番号 | 2016A0131 |
ビームライン | BL08W |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2016A~2017B/96シフト |
The project leader established the system of a magnetic Compton scattering with high magnetic field at 1.5 K. Since this is one of the purposes of the present Long-Term Proposal, the committee appreciates this point. Also, the committee appreciates that the project leader allowed to use the high field magnet, which was developed by the leader, for a common-use (a general-use).
Regarding the experimental results, some of the data on the proposed samples were taken as scheduled, but some of them were not scheduled in the proposed plan. It is a little bit disappointing that the data quality has not been improved significantly in comparison with conventional data.
Although the Long-Term Proposal proposed by the present leader was adopted in 2012, no original papers have been published up to now. The committee strongly suggests that the project leader should publish exciting original papers based on the results taken in not only the previous, but also the present Long-Term Proposal as soon as possible.
課題名 | Examination of glottis function at birth with multi-view phase-contrast imaging |
実験責任者(所属) | Hooper Stuart (Monash University) |
採択時課題番号 | 2016A0132 |
ビームライン | BL20B2 |
利用期間/配分総シフト | 2016A~2017B/72シフト |
The group led by Prof. Hooper has conducted investigations on the relationships among glottis function, spontaneous breathing, and lung aeration, during the past and this Long-Term Proposal by fully utilizing the phase-contrast imaging technique. The research is quite unique not only as an application of synchrotron radiation but also as a pre-clinical research. The project group has offered many valuable information for improving resuscitation of neonates based on the results of the Long-Term Proposal.
In this Long-Term Proposal, the research target was mainly focused on glottis function at birth. The factors that regulate glottis function at birth and switch it from a closed "fetal" state to an open newborn state to enable air to enter the lung were specifically investigated for clarifying why non-invasive ventilatory support often fails in premature newborns. The results showed the vital role of oxygen and physical stimulation, while pharmacologic agents were found to be less effective. In addition, the first evidence was provided that elevated airway liquid volume predisposes infants to newborn respiratory complications. Along with applications of imaging techniques to visualization of key factors of transition to air-breathing in premature newborns, development and optimization of phase-contrast computed tomography have been also continued. These can provide detailed and more accurate answers for the biomedical questions than any other techniques.
These findings have been published in 20 papers during the Long-Term Proposal and 28 invited talks were presented at conferences and seminars in this term.
Judging from its influences and publications, the project can be not only considered highly successful but also regarded as one of the most unique scientific activities with full utilization of SPring-8 characteristics.
[1] SPring-8 publication ID = 34943
E. McGillick et al.: "Elevated Airway Liquid Volumes at Birth: a Potential Cause of Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn" Journal of Applied Physiology 123 (2017) 1204-1213.