
Volume 20, No.3 Pages 264 - 265


2013B期 採択長期利用課題の中間評価について
Interim Review Results of 2013B Long-term Proposals

(公財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用推進部 User Administration Division, JASRI

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− 課題1 −
課題名 Application Development of Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy (NRVS) and Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Multinuclear Iron Proteins
実験責任者(所属) Stephen Cramer (University of California, Davis)
採択時の課題番号 2013B0103
利用ビームライン BL09XU
評価結果 3年目を実施する



 The principal investigator developed the NRVS (Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy) method to study vibrational modes of an iron atom in proteins and has been playing a leading role in introducing it to the biochemical community. His own group are working on Fe-S enzymes, but when this proposal was accepted it was recommended to focus on technical developments and work on individual proteins under separate regular proposals. Following this suggestion, technical developments on online FT-IR diagnostics of a sample and dual-side photon acquisition are in progress. Other interesting experimental ideas and unexpected research results were also presented in the mid-term review. To advance these studies further, the committee recommends that this group should continue to carry out the experiment in the third year of this long-term proposal.




[1]SPring-8 publication ID = 27050
H. Wang et al.: "A Practical Guide for Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy (NRVS) of Biochemical Samples and Model Compounds" Methods in Molecular Biology 1122 (2014) 125-137.

[2]SPring-8 publication ID = 27816
L. Lauterbach et al.: "Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy Reveals the FeS Cluster Composition and Active Site Vibrational Properties of an O2-tolerant NAD+-reducing [NiFe] Hydrogenase" Chemical Science 6 (2015) 1055-1060.

[3]SPring-8 publication ID = 28326
A. Scott et al.: "Structural Characterization of CO-Inhibited Mo-Nitrogenase by Combined Application of Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy, Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, and Density Functional Theory: New Insights into the Effects of CO Binding and the Role of the Interstitial Atom" Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (2014) 15942-15954.



− 課題2 −
課題名 放射光メスバウア法とX線粉末回折による下部マントルおよび核構成物質の高温高圧物性の研究
実験責任者(所属) 大谷 栄治(東北大学)
採択時の課題番号 2013B0104
利用ビームライン BL10XU
評価結果 3年目を実施する



 その実現のため、高温高圧条件下でのX線回折とメスバウア分光の同時測定という世界的にも最先端の技術開発を進め、SPring-8の特性を最大限に引き出すことに意欲的に取り組んでいる。これまでに、この技術を用いて地球および惑星の核構成物質であるFe-Si合金、FeO、フェロペリクレース(Fe,Mg)SiO3の高温高圧下の磁性とスピン状態を解明した。また鉄合金や鉄軽元素化合物の高温高圧下の状態方程式、融解と相転平衡関係を決定し、さらにケイ酸塩-水素・炭素系の相平衡図も解明し、地球深部を理解する上で意義の高い研究成果を得ている。また、ケイ酸塩-水素・炭素系の相関係の研究では、当初想定していなかったdeep diamondの生成を明らかにした。




[1]SPring-8 publication ID = 28463
T. Sakai et al.: "Equation of State of Pure Iron and Fe0.9Ni0.1 Alloy up to 3 Mbar" Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 228 (2014) 114-126.

[2]SPring-8 publication ID = 28466
S. Ozawa et al.: "Jadeite in Chelyabinsk Meteorite and the Nature of an Impact Event on its Parent Body" Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 5033.

[3]SPring-8 publication ID = 28477
I. Ohira et al.: "Stability of a Hydrous δ-phase, AlOOH-MgSiO2(OH)2, and a Mechanism for Water Transport into the Base of Lower Mantle" Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401 (2014) 12-17.

[4]SPring-8 publication ID = 28478
E. Ohtani et al.: "Stability of Hydrous Phase H MgSiO4H2 under Lower Mantle Conditions" Geophysical Research Letters 41 (2014) 8283-8287.



− 課題3 −
課題名 NRVS of mononuclear and binuclear non-heme iron enzyme intermediates and related model complexes
実験責任者(所属) Edward Solomon (Stanford University)
採択時の課題番号 2013B0105
利用ビームライン BL09XU
評価結果 3年目を実施する



 The group of Professor Solomon are applying the NRVS (Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy) method to intermediates of mononuclear and binuclear non-heme iron-containing proteins. These enzymes are hard to be characterized by resonance Raman spectroscopy because of the lack of strong absorption. The observed spectra are compared with those from DFT (Density Functional Theory) calculation which enables quantitative interpretation of the observed spectra. This group have been publishing papers continuously, and experiments on several proteins and drugs are underway. It is certain that these current studies will lead to publications in major journals. Thus, the committee recommends that this group should continue to carry out the experiment in the third year of this long-term proposal.



Print ISSN 1341-9668
[ - Vol.15 No.4(2010)]
Online ISSN 2187-4794