
Volume 19, No.1 Pages 44 - 45

4. SPring-8通信/SPring-8 COMMUNICATIONS

2010B期 採択長期利用課題の事後評価について
Post-Project Review of Long-term Proposals Starting in 2010B

(公財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用業務部 User Administration Division, JASRI

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課題名 Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy (NRVS) of Iron-Based Enzymes for Hydrogen Metabolism, Nitrogen Fixation, Small Molecule Sensing, DNA Repair, Photosynthesis, and Iron Storage
実験責任者(所属) Stephen P. Cramer
(University of California - Davis)
採択時課題番号 2010B0032
ビームライン BL09XU
利用期間/配分総シフト 2010B~2013A/216シフト




The principal investigator (PI) developed the technique of NRVS (Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy) at beamline BL09XU and has applied it to the dynamics of iron atoms and the reaction processes in metalloproteins. SPring-8 was featured on the cover of Angewante Chemie in which a recent paper on [NiFe] hydrogenase from the PI's group was published. Several papers have been published in Journal of American Chemical Society. Also, this technique is employed by other groups and leading to several distinguished papers in high-impact journals. Thus, the contribution of the PI to SPring-8 and the protein science should be highly appreciated.




[1] SPring-8 publication ID = 21298
L. Do, H. Wang, C. Tinberg, E. Dowty, Y. Yoda, S. Cramer and S. Lippard: "Characterization of a Synthetic Peroxodiiron(III) Protein Model Complex by Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy" Chemical Communications 47 (2011) 10945-10947.

[2] SPring-8 publication ID = 22899
S. Kamali, H. Wang, D. Mitra, H. Ogata, W. Lubitz, B. C. Manor, T. B. Rauchfuss, D. Byrne, V. Bonnefoy, F. E. Jenney Jr., M. W. Adams, Y. Yoda, E. Alp, J. Zhao and S. P. Cramer: "Observation of the Fe-CN and Fe-CO Vibrations in the Active Site of [NiFe] Hydrogenase by Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy" Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (2013) 724-728.

[3] SPring-8 publication ID = 22946
S. J. George, B. M. Barney, D. Mitra, R. Y. Igarashi, Y. Guo, D. R. Dean, S. P. Cramer and L. C. Seefeldt: "EXAFS and NRVS Reveal a Conformational Distortion of the FeMo-cofactor in the MoFe Nitrogenase Propargyl Alcohol Complex" Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 112 (2012) 85-92.

[4] SPring-8 publication ID = 22900
Y. Guo, E. Brecht, K. Aznavour, J. Nix, Y. Xiao, H. Wang, S. George, R. Bau, S. Keable, J. Peters, M. W. Adams, F. E. Jenney Jr., W. Sturhahn, E. Alp, J. Zhao, Y. Yoda and S. P. Cramer: "Nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) of rubredoxin and MoFe protein crystals" Hyperfine Interactions (2012) 1-14.

[5] SPring-8 publication ID = 23935
D. Mitra, S. J. George, Y. Guo, S. Kamali, S. Keable, J. W. Peters, V. Pelmenschikov, D. A. Case and S. P. Cramer: "Characterization of [4Fe-4S] Cluster Dynamics and Structure in Nitrogenase Fe Protein at Three Oxidation Levels via Combined NRVS, EXAFS and DFT Analyses" Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 2530-2543.

[6] SPring-8 Publication ID = 23936
J. M. Kuchenreuther, Y. Guo, H. Wang, W. K. Myers, S. J. George, C. A. Boyke, Y. Yoda, E. Alp, J. Zhao, R. D. Britt, J. R. Swartz and S. P. Cramer: "Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of 57Fe-Enriched [FeFe] Hydrogenase Indicate Stepwise Assembly of the H-Cluster" Biochemistry 52 (2013) 818-826.



Print ISSN 1341-9668
[ - Vol.15 No.4(2010)]
Online ISSN 2187-4794