SPring-8 / SACLA Research Report

ISSN 2187-6886


J-STAGE:SPring-8/SACLA利用研究成果集(Vol.9 No.1より)


JASRI(SPring-8/SACLA成果審査委員会)が査読を行ったRefereed Journalである。

SPring-8/SACLAにおいて成果非専有課題を実施した場合、その実施利用期終了後3年以内にRefereed Journalでの公表が義務づけられており、本成果集はそれの1つに該当するものである。


・セクションA 学術研究成果 (Scientific Research Report)

・セクションB 産業利用成果 (Industrial Application Report)

・セクションC 技術開発成果 (Technical Report)



btn_mokuji  2016年5月より、全ての論文に対しDOIを付与しております。


 大型放射光施設SPring-8は、国内外の研究者に広く開かれた最先端の研究施設であり、平成9年の供用開始以降多くの研究分野において優れた研究成果を創出しています。また、我が国の国家基幹技術としてSPring-8に隣接して設置されたX線自由電子レーザー施設SACLAが平成24年より供用を開始し、ますます多くの優れた研究成果創出が期待されています。これらの研究成果は、科学技術の振興を図るための知的公共財として広く公開されることにより社会に還元されるべきものであることの重要性に鑑み、その一環として、今般、利用研究成果集(Research Report)を発行するに至りました。










常務理事 野田 健治

The large synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8 is a cutting-edge research facility that is widely opened to public to researchers both in Japan and overseas and has produced outstanding research results in various fields since the start of its public use in 1997. In 2012, the X-ray free electron laser facility SACLA, constructed next to SPring-8 as a national core technology, also became available for public use. Thus, SPring-8 and SACLA are expected to produce an increasing number of outstanding research results. These research results should be widely disseminated to the general public as intellectual public assets to promote the development of science and technology. As part of realizing this aim, we have launched the publication of SPring-8/SACLA Research Reports.

Research results obtained using cutting-edge research facilities should basically be published as refereed articles or equivalent reports that clearly include substantial academic, scientific, and technical information. However, since the start of the public use of SPring-8 over ten years ago, it has merely been specified that research results obtained using SPring-8 should be published as Experiment Reports, which did not always include substantial academic, scientific, or technical information. Therefore, many users had not published their research results as refereed articles or equivalent reports after submitting their Experiment Report. In addition, since the budget screening in FY2009, close attention has been paid to the importance of the public understanding of the investment of a huge amount of public funding to organizations operating cutting-edge large research facilities such as SPring-8 (i.e., the importance of the dissemination of research results worthy of a huge amount of public funding). With this background, we set the following requirement on the basis of a discussion of the SPring-8 Selection Committee, which serves as the advisory committee responsible for selecting research proposals.

For non-proprietary proposals (proposals whose research results must be published) from the second term in 2011 (2011B term), project leaders have been required to publish their research results in one of the following media within three years after the end of the research term:

(1) Refereed journal (including refereed proceedings and doctoral thesis),

(2) Corporate technical journal (reports on industrial applications acknowledged by JASRI), or

(3) SPring-8/SACLA Research Reports (reports containing substantial scientific and technical information, reviewed by JASRI’s committee).

After the above requirement was decided, the construction of SACLA was completed and it became available for public use. We also set a similar requirement for the publication of research results obtained using SACLA.

This is the first number of SPring-8/SACLA Research Reports. The revision of the system for the publication of research results from the 2011B term is not intended to discourage users from submitting challenging proposals but to increase the opportunities for researchers to report useful findings through publication in SPring-8/SACLA Research Reports even if their experiments have failed. We expect our journal to also provide research results to the general public and contribute to social development.

28 February 2013

Kenji Noda

Managing Executive Director

Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute(JASRI)