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Results: 1 - 100 of 688
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Publication ID Information

"X-Ray Diffuse Scattering Study on Charge-Localized States of Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (x=0.35,0.4,0.5)"

Susumu Shimomura

Physical Review B, 62, (2000) 3875-3878


"Synthesis and Synchrotron Radiation Structure Analysis of Tetra-Dithiopropanato-Diplatinum (II) with Infinite Linear Chain Structure"

Minoru Mitsumi

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 342, (2000) 127-132


"First Results from the Crystal Structure Analysis Beamline at SPring-8"

Yukio Noda

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 5, (1998) 485-487


"Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation Studies of the Phase Transition of h-BaTiO3"

Yukio Noda

Ferroelectrics, 217, (1998) 1-7


"Diffuse Scattering due to Anisotropic Phonon Softening in Ferroelastic Compounds NdNbO4 and LaNbO4"

Yoshihiro Kuroiwa

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, (1999) 600-603


"High-Resolution Powder Diffractometry to Study the Phase Transition of h-BaTiO3"

Yukio Noda

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, (1999) 73-76


"Phason Strain in Al70Ni10Co20 Decagonal Quasicrystal"

Yoshie Matsuo

Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 553, (1999) 183-187


"Structure Analysis of a Sodium Paradodecatungstate"

Tomoji Ozeki

Chemistry Letters, 30, (2001) 266-267


"X-Ray Diffuse Scattering from (Nd1-ySmy)1-xSrxMnO3 and Pr1-xCaxMnO3"

Susumu Shimomura

International Symposium on Physics in Local Lattice Distortions (AIP Conference Proceedings 554), CP554, (2001) 437-441


"Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study on the Verwey Transition in Magnetite"

Satoshi Sasaki

Ferrites: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference (ICF-8), , (2000) 135-139


"The MEM Charge Density Study of Rb2CsC60, K2RbC60, and Li2CsC60 by Synchrotron Radiation Powder Method"

Masaki Takata

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, (1999) 122-125


"Imaging of Electron Density Distribution of CeP Under High Pressure by Single Crystal SR X-Ray Experiments"

Takahisa Shobu

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 70, (2001) 1162-1163


"Structural Aspects of NaV2O5 under High Pressure"

Kenji Ohwada

Doctoral Thesis (The University of Tokyo), , (2001)


""Devil's Staircase"-Type Phase Transition of NaV2O5 under High Pressure"

Kenji Ohwada

Physical Review Letters, 87, (2001) 086402


"Diffuse X-Ray Scattering Study of Defect Structure in Ni and Dilute Ni Alloys Irradiated with High-Energy Ions"

Hideki Yuya

Doctoral Thesis (Nagoya University), , (1999)


"Structural Studies of β-O2 under Pressure"

Etsuko Uemura

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, (2002) 10423-10428


"Charge Density Study of C60 Superconductors by MEM/Rietveld Analysis"

Masaki Takata

Materials Science and Engineering A, A312, (2001) 66-71


"Metallic Behavior and Periodical Valence-Ordering in a MMX Chain Compound, Pt2(EtCS2)4I"

Minoru Mitsumi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 123, (2001) 11179-11192


"Standard X-Ray Mirror Systems for SPring-8 Beamlines"

Tomoya Uruga

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 467-468, (2001) 782-784


"Structural Phase Transition and Valence Fluctuation Observed in a New MMX Chain Compound, Pt2(n-PrCS2)4I"

Minoru Mitsumi

Chemistry Letters, 31, (2002) 258-259


"Valence-Ordering Structures and Magnetic Behavior of Metallic MMX Chain Compounds"

Minoru Mitsumi

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 41, (2002) 2767-2771


"High-Energy X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Analysis of Residual-Stress Distribution of Shot-Peened Steel"

Keisuke Tanaka

Materials Science Forum, 404-407, (2002) 341-348


"Growth and Characterization of Bi-Based Superconducting Whiskers"

Hideyo Uemoto

Singapore Journal of Physics, 18, (2002) 255-259


"The Succesive Phase Transformation in a Co-Rich Al-Ni-Co Decagonal Phase"

Kazuki Yamamoto

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 342, (2002) 237-240


"Symmetry Breaking in the Metal-Insulator Transition of BaVS3"

Toshiya Inami

Physical Review B, 66, (2002) 073108


"New Diamond Anvil Cell for Single-Crystal Analysis"

Takamitsu Yamanaka

Review of Scientific Instruments, 72, (2001) 1458-1462


"Bonding Character of SiO2 Stishovite under High- Pressures up to 30 GPa"

Takamitsu Yamanaka

Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 29, (2002) 633-641


"Low-Temperature Studies on the Two-Dimensional Modulations in Å Kermanite-Type Crystals: Ca2MgSi2O7 and Ca2ZnSi2O7"

Bagautdin Bagautdinov

Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 29, (2002) 346-350


"Residual-Stress Distribution of Shot-Peened Steel Estimated by High-Energy X-Rays from Synchrotron Radiation Source"

Etsuya Yanase

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 51, (2002) 756-763


"Review and Prospect of Ferroelectricity and Magnetism in YMn2O5"

Yukio Noda

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 42, (2003) S1192-S1195


"Structural Phase Transition in θ-(BEDT-TTF)2RbM'(SCN)4 (M'=Zn, Co)"

Masashi Watanabe

Synthetic Metals, 133-134, (2003) 283-285


"The Charge Ordered State and the possible 2kF-CDW State with Fermi Surface Nesting in Organic Conductor θ-(BEDT-TTF)2MM'(SCN)4 (M=Rb, Cs, M'=Zn, Co)"

Masashi Watanabe

Journal de Physique IV France, 12, (2002) 231-232


"CDW-Induced Negative Thermal Expansion in Two-Dimensional Conductor η-Mo4O11"

Hiroshi Negishi

Solid State Communications, 125, (2003) 45-49


"Lattice Distortion of YMn2O5 at Ferroelectric Transition"

Isao Kagomiya

Ferroelectrics, 286, (2003) 167-174


"Ferroelectric Phase Transition in CdTiO3 Single Crystal"

Yue Jin Shan

Ferroelectrics, 284, (2003) 107-112


"Synchrotron Radiation Structure Analyses of the Light-Induced Radical Pair of a Hexaarylbiimidazolyl Derivative. Origin of the Spin-Multiplicity Change"

Masaki Kawano

Chemistry Letters, 31, (2002) 1130-1131


"Structure Determination of Polyoxotungstates Using High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation"

Tomoji Ozeki

Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Nano-Composite Design, , (2002) 225-232


"A Constant Incidence Angle Method to Estimate the Subsurface Distribution of Residual Stress by High-Energy X-Rays from Synchrotron Radiation Source"

Etsuya Yanase

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 51, (2002) 1429-1435


"Photoexcited Crystallography of Diplatinum Complex by Multiple-Exposure IP Method"

Yoshiki Ozawa

Chemistry Letters, 32, (2003) 62-63


"Evidence of the First-Order Nature of the Metal-Insulator Phase Transition in λ-(BEDT-TSF)2FeCl4"

Masashi Watanabe

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 72, (2003) 452-453


"Charge Density Analysis of SiO2 under Pressures over 50GPa Using a New Diamond Anvil Cell for Single-Crystal Structure Analysis"

Takamitsu Yamanaka

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, (2002) 10545-10551


"In-Situ Stress Measurement of Bond Coatings at High Temperature by High-Energy Synchrotron X-Rays"

Kenji Suzuki

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 52, (2003) 756-763


"Non-Destructive Estimation of Residual Stress Ditribution of Shot Peened Steels Based on Nonlinear Analysis of Sin2φ Diagrams"

Etsuya Yanase

日本機械学会論文集 A編 (Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A), 69, (2003) 993-1000


"Structure Analysis of Photo-Induced Triplet Phenylnitrene Using Synchrotron Radiation"

Masaki Kawano

Chemistry Letters, 32, (2003) 922-923


"Estimation of Spalling Stress in Thermal Barrier Coatings Using High-Energy X-Rays from a Synchrotron Source"

Kenji Suzuki

Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimantal Mechanics 2003, 1, (2003) 1-6


"Residual Stress Evaluation by X-Rays from Synchrotron Radiation Source"

Etsuya Yanase

Doctoral Thesis (Nagoya University), , (2003)


"Applications on High-Energy X-Rays to Stress Measurements of Thermal Barrier Coatings"

Kenji Suzuki

Textures and Microstructures, 35, (2003) 207-217


"Studies of Unusual Magnetic and Electronic Properties of the Low-Carrier System CeP by Synchrotron X-rays"

Masahumi Kogi

Physica B, 345, (2004) 55-58


"Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Study of a Charge Stripe Order in 1/8-doped La1.875Ba0.125-xSrxCuO4"

Hiroyuki Kimura

Physical Review B, 67, (2003) 140503(R)


"Structural Phase Transition of θ-(BEDT-TTF)2RbZn(SCN)4 under High Pressure"

Masashi Watanabe

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73, (2004) 921-925


"Synchrotron X-ray Studies of Phason and Phonon Strains in a Co-rich Al-Ni-Co Decagonal Quasicrystal"

Kazuki Yamamoto

Materials Transactions, 45, (2004) 1255-1260


"Estimation of Spalling Stress in Thermal Barrier Coating using High Energy X-rays from Synchrotron"

Kenji Suzuki

日本機械学会論文集 A編 (Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A), 70, (2004) 724-730


"Oxidization of Thermal Barrier Coatings and Spalling Stress Analyzed with Synchrotron X-Rays"

Kenji Suzuki

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 53, (2004) 734-739


"Estimation Spalling Stress in Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Hard Synchrotron X-rays"

Kenji Suzuki

JSME International Journal Series A, 47, (2004) 318-323


"Measurement of Stress Distribution Near Notch and Fatigue Crack in Ultra-Fine Grained Steel by Synchrotron Radiation"

Yoshiaki Akiniwa

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 53, (2004) 752-757


"In-situ Synchrotron Measurement of Thermal Stress in Textured Copper Thin Films during Thermal Cycling"

Keisuke Tanaka

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 53, (2004) 728-733


"Relationship between Charge Stripe Order and Structural Phase Transitions in La1.875Ba0.125-xSrxCuO4"

Hiroyuki Kimura

Physical Review B, 70, (2004) 134512


"In-situ Observation of 2212 Intergrowths at the Early Stage of the (Bi, Pb)2223 Phase Formation using Synchrotron XRD Technique"

Fumitake Nakao

Superconductor Science and Technology, 18, (2005) 513-520


"Evaluation of Residual Stress Distribution in Shot-Peened Steel by Synchrotron Radiation"

Yoshiaki Akiniwa

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 52, (2003) 764-769


"Relaxor-like Behavior in λ-(BETS)2FeCl4 Studied by SR X-Ray Diffraction"

Satoshi Komiyama

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73, (2004) 2385-2388


"In-situ Measurement of Internal Stresses in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells during Thermal Cycling by Synchrotron Radiation"

Hirofumi Sumi

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 54, (2005) 440-446


"Raphide Crystal Structure in Agave Tequilana Determined by X-ray Originating from Synchrotron Radiation"

Makoto Tadokoro

Chemistry Letters, 34, (2005) 236-237


"Rational Syntheses of Linear Chain Rhodium(I)-Semiquinonato Complexes Using Redox Reaction of Rh4(CO)12 Cluster with o-Benzoquinone"

Minoru Mitsumi

Chemistry Letters, 33, (2004) 970-971


"Conclusive Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Chiral C60 Fullerene cis-3 Bis-Adducts by X-ray Crystallography and Circular Dichroism"

Shunsuke Kuwahara

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 44, (2005) 2262-2265


"A New Molecular Oxide with a Pt2Mo2O8 Core and Its Two Conformers"

Keiki Noro

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 8, (2005) 729-731


"A Neutral Mixed-Valent Conducting Polymer Formed by Electron Transfer between Metal d and Ligand π Orbitals"

Minoru Mitsumi

Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 44, (2005) 4164-4168


"Spalling Stress in Oxidized Thermal Barrier Coatings Evaluated by X-ray Diffraction Method"

Kenji Suzuki

Materials Science Forum, 490-491, (2005) 631-636


"Analysis on Residual Stress Distribution in Oxidized Thermal Barrier Coatings"

Kenji Suzuki

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 54, (2005) 679-684


"Structural Properties and Phase Transition of Hole-Orbital-Ordered (C2H5NH3)2CuCl4 Studied by Resonant and Non-Resonant X-ray Scatterings under High Pressure"

Kenji Ohwada

Physical Review B, 72, (2005) 014123


"Analysis on Residual Stress in Electron Beam-Physical Vapor Deposited Thermal Barrier Coating using Hard Synchrotron X-ray"

Kenji Suzuki

日本機械学会論文集 A編 (Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A), 71, (2005) 1523-1529


"Measurement of Residual Stress Distribution by Strain Scanning Method using High Energy X-rays from Synchrotron Source"

Kenji Suzuki

日本機械学会論文集 A編 (Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A), 71, (2005) 1530-1537


"High-Temperature and High-Pressure in situ SCC Device for Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction Experiments and Application using an Austenitic Stainless Steel"

Atsushi Yamamoto

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 13, (2006) 14-18


"Changes of Internal Stress in Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell during Red-Ox Cycle Evaluated by in situ Measurement with Synchrotron Radiation"

Hirofumi Sumi

Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 3, (2006) 68-74


"Structure and Random Anisotropy in Single-Phase Ni Nanocrystals"

Eiji Kita

Applied Physics Letters, 88, (2006) 152501


"Hydrogen-Bonded Networks in Organic Conductors: Crystal Structures and Electronic Properties of Charge-Transfer Salts of Tetracyanoquinodimetane with 4,4'-Biimidazolium Multiprotonated States"

Yasushi Morita

The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 70, (2005) 2739-2744


"Ab initio Reconstruction of p-type Icosahedral Zn-Mg-Ho Quasicrystal Structures"

Hiroyuki Takakura

Philosophical Magazine, 86, (2006) 621-627


"Residual Stress and Deformation Characteristics of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Curved Substrate"

Kenji Suzuki

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 55, (2006) 634-640


"Residual Stress in EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings"

Kenji Suzuki

Materials Science Forum, 524-525, (2006) 879-884


"Resonant X-ray Scattering Study at Y K-edge in Y1-xCaxTiO3"

Hironori Nakao

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 75, (2006) 094706


"Charge Ordering in Organic Conductors"

Toshihiro Takahashi

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 75, (2006) 051008


"X-ray Structural Study of Charge and Anion Orderings of TMTTF Salts"

Yoshio Nogami

Journal de Physique IV France, 131, (2005) 39-42


"Study on Non-destructive Measurement of Internal Distribution of Residual Stress in Materials Using High Energy Synchrotron Radiation X-rays"

Takahisa Shobu

Doctoral Thesis (Nagoya University), , (2006) 1-188


"X-ray Structures of the Tris(2,4-xylyl)phosphane and Its Trisulfonated Derivative: Molecular Architecture of a Water-soluble Sulfonated Phosphane with Propeller Chirality"

Attila C. Bényei

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 692, (2007) 1845-1851


"Measurement of Residual Stress Distribution in Laser-Shock Peened Ti-Alloy Using Hard Synchrotron X-Rays"

Kenji Suzuki

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 56, (2007) 217-222


"Poly(p-phenylene)-type Polymer Composed of an (R,R)-C2-symmetric Chiral Recurring Unit: Solution Behavior, Packing Structure, and Large Circular Dichroism Observed with a Film of the Polymer"

Takakazu Yamamoto

Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 45, (2007) 548-552


"Structural Relations between Two Ground States of NaV2O5 under High Pressure: A Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Study"

Kenji Ohwada

Physical Review B, 76, (2007) 094113


"Residual Stress in Zirconia Coating by EB-PVD Method"

Kenji Suzuki

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 56, (2007) 588-593


"Direct Observation of Field-induced Variant Transformation in Fe3Pt Using Pulsed Magnetic Field X-ray Diffraction"

Zhongwen Ouyang

Journal of Applied Physics, 102, (2007) 113917


"Anthracene Array-type Porous Coordination Polymer with Host-guest Charge Transfer Interactions in Excited States"

Daisuke Tanaka

Chemical Communications, なし, (2007) 3142-3144


"Evaluation of Residual Stress Distribution and Deformation Characteristics of Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Hard Synchrotron X-rays"

Kenji Suzuki

Journal of Neutron Research, 15, (2007) 157-165


"Distribution of Residual Stresses in EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings"

Kenji Suzuki

Materials Science Forum, 571-572, (2008) 333-338


"Residual Stresses and Structure of EB-PVD Thermal Barrier Coatings Exposed at High Temperature"

Kenji Suzuki

日本機械学会論文集 A編 (Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series A), 74, (2008) 370-376


"In-Situ Synchrotron Measurement of Internal Stresses in Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell during Red-Ox Cycle"

Keisuke Tanaka

Materials Science Forum, 571-572, (2008) 339-344


"Microstructure and Residual Stress of EB-PVD TBCs Grown under Substrate Rotation"

Kenji Suzuki

材料 (Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan), 57, (2008) 674-680


"Non-thermal Evidence for Current-Induced Melting of Charge Order in θ-(BEDT-TTF)2CsZn(SCN)4"

Masashi Watanabe

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 77, (2008) 065004


"Direct Determination of Low-Dimensional Structures: Synchrotron X-ray Scattering on One-Dimensional Charge-Ordered MMX-Chain Complexes"

Yusuke Wakabayashi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128, (2006) 6676-6682


"Constructing Highly Conducting Metal–Metal Bonded Solids by Electrocrystallization of [PtII2(RCS2)4] (RCS2- = Dithiocarboxylato, R = Methyl or Ethyl)"

Minoru Mitsumi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130, (2008) 14102-14104


"Structure and Electronic Configuration of an Iron(II) Complex in a LIESST State: A Pump and Probe Method"

Chou-Fu Sheu

Chemistry - A European Journal, 15, (2009) 2384-2393


"Antiferroelectric Correlation in relaxor Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3 and Ferroelectric Correlation in Antiferroelectric Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3"

Kenji Oowada

Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 34, (2009) 19-22


"Elucidation and Control of Photophysical Properties of Three-Coordinated Gold(I) Complexes Based on Direct Observation of Photoexcited Structures"

Manabu Hoshino

Doctoral Thesis (Tokyo Institute of Technology), , (2009)