
Contact in emergency

ContactPhoneE-mail address
Contact in emergencyExt. 119

In case of fire or accident resulting in serious injury, call Ext. 119 and give your name, telephone number, and the nature and location of the emergency, and describe the situation. Please stay on the line until you are instructed to hang up (the security guard posted at the Main Gate will call the fire department). 

Contact for minor injuries

ContactPhoneE-mail address
User Administration DivisionExt. 2225

In case of minor injuries, dress the wound at the Health Office. If you receive medical treatment at a hospital, please report to the User Administration Division after treatment without delay.

About Arrival

ContactPhoneE-mail address
SPring-8/SACLA Users Office+81-791-58-0902uoffice@spring8.or.jp

About Use of SPring-8 Synchrotron Radiation

ContactPhoneE-mail address
SPring-8/SACLA Users Office/JASRI+81-791-58-0961sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

About use of SPring-8 Synchrotron Radiation ( Industrial applications)

ContactPhoneE-mail address
Center for Synchrotron Radiation Research
Industrial Application and Partnership Division, JASRI

Consultants who are familiar with the use of synchrotron radiation in each industrial field will give advice to users for their experiments.

For fields outside the expertise of the staff, we will introduce internal or external experts.

About Proposal Applications

ContactPhoneE-mail address
SPring-8/SACLA Users Office/JASRI+81-791-58-0961sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

About Guest House

ContactPhoneE-mail address
Guest House Front Desk+81-791-58-0933ghouse@spring8.or.jp

About Fees and User Fee System

ContactPhoneE-mail address
User Administration Division (Fees for public beamline use and user fees) +81-791-58-0961sp8fee@spring8.or.jp

About Website
About Personal Information

ContactPhoneE-mail address
SPring-8/SACLA Users Office/JASRI+81-791-58-0961sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp