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Results: 1 - 100 of 293
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Publication ID Information

"Timing Control of an Intense Picosecond Pulse Laser to the SPring-8 Synchrotron Radiation Pulses"

Yoshihito Tanaka

Review of Scientific Instruments, 71, (2000) 1268-1274


"Variation of XMCD Spectrum with Temperature at R L2,3-Edges in R3Fe5O12 (R=Gd and Er)"

Naomi Kawamura

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 8, (2001) 425-427


"Quantitative Determination of the Spatial Coherence from the Visibility of Equal-Thickness Fringes"

Kenji Tamasaku

Acta Crystallographica Section A, 57, (2001) 197-200


"Site-Selective X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Analysis of an Optically Active Center in Er-Doped Semiconductor Thin Film Using X-Ray-Excited Optical Luminescence"

Masashi Ishii

Applied Physics Letters, 78, (2001) 183-185


"Visibility Measurement with an X-Ray Interferometer Using a Coincidence Technique"

Makina Yabashi

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 40, (2001) L646-L647


"Experimental Studies of 90°Bragg Reflection from a Sub-Micron InxGa1-xAs Single-Crystal Film Deposited on a GaAs Substrate"

Andrei Nikulin

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 40, (2001) 898-903


"Energy-Modulation Spectroscopy in Hard X-Ray Region"

Motohiro Suzuki

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 467-468, (2001) 1568-1571


"X-Ray Phase Retrieval in High-Resolution Refraction Data from Amorphous Materials"

Karen K.-W. Siu

Applied Physics Letters, 79, (2001) 2112-2114


"An Application of Phase Retrieval X-Ray Diffractometry to Refraction/Small-Angle Scattering Data"

Karen K.-W. Siu

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34, (2001) 2912-2917


"Cryogenic Cooling Monochromators for the SPring-8 Undulator Beamlines"

Tetsuo Mochizuki

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 467-468, (2001) 647-649


"Observation of Hard X-Ray Pulses with a Highly Sensitive Streak Camera"

Toru Hara

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 467-468, (2001) 1125-1128


"Performance of a CsI Photocathode in a Hard X-Ray Streak Camera"

Toru Hara

Review of Scientific Instruments, 71, (2000) 3624-3626


"R&D on Third Generation Multi-Segmented Piezoelectric Bimorph Mirror Substrates at SPring-8"

Riccardo Signorato

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 467-468, (2001) 271-274


"SPring-8 RIKEN Beamline III for Coherent X-Ray Optics"

Kenji Tamasaku

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 467-468, (2001) 686-689


"Synchronization of Picosecond Laser Pulses to the Target X-Ray Pulses at SPring-8"

Yoshihito Tanaka

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 467-468, (2001) 1451-1454


"X-Ray Interferometry with Multicrystal Components Using Intensity Correlation"

Kenji Tamasaku

Physical Review Letters, 88, (2002) 044801


"Optical Switching of X-Rays Using Laser-Induced Lattice Expansion"

Yoshihito Tanaka

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 9, (2002) 96-98


"X-Ray-Excited Optical Luminescence of Erbium-Doped Semiconductor: Site-Selective X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of an Optically Active Atom"

Masashi Ishii

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 114-116, (2001) 521-525


"X-Ray-Excited Optical Luminescence of Impurity Atom in Semiconductor"

Masashi Ishii

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 8, (2001) 372-374


"The Goos-Hänchen Effect at Bragg Diffraction"

Kenji Tamasaku

Acta Crystallographica Section A, 58, (2002) 408-409


"High Resolution 3D X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy"

Jian-Wei Miao

Physical Review Letters, 89, (2002) 088303


"Deterministic Retrieval of Surface Waviness by Means of Topography with Coherent X-Rays"

Aexei Souvorov

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 9, (2002) 223-228


"Iridium L2,3 Edge Magnetic Circular Dichroism Study of 5d Moment Formation in Ferromagnetic Ir-Fe Alloys"

Vemuru V. Krishnamurthy

Physica B, 312-313, (2002) 647-649


"Nearly Diffraction-Limited Line Focusing of a Hard-X-Ray Beam with an Elliptically Figured Mirror"

Kazuto Yamauchi

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 9, (2002) 313-316


"Photon Interference Effect in X-Ray Absorption Spectra over a Wide Energy Range"

Yoshinori Nishino

Physical Review B, 66, (2002) 113103


"Two-Energy Twin Image Removal in Atomic-Resolution X-Ray Holography"

Yoshinori Nishino

Physical Review B, 66, (2002) 092105


"Application of Optical Scanner to Switching of X-Ray Photon Helicities at kHz Range"

Motohiro Suzuki

Review of Scientific Instruments, 74, (2003) 19-22


"Imaging Whole Escherichia Coli Bacteria Using Single-Particle X-Ray Diffraction"

Jianwei Miao

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 100, (2003) 110-112


"X-Ray Multi-Beam Diffraction and Imaging at a 90° Bragg Reflection with Partially Coherent Radiation"

Andrei Nikulin

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36, (2003) A87-A92


"Microstitching Interferometry for X-Ray Reflective Optics"

Kazuto Yamauchi

Review of Scientific Instruments, 74, (2003) 2894-2898


"Theory of Local Distortion in ErO6 Cluster: Spontaneous Symmetry Reduction in Lanthanoid Octahedrons"

Masashi Ishii

Journal of Applied Physics, 94, (2003) 2368-2372


"Fabrication of Elliptical Mirror at Nanometer-Level Accuracy for Hard X-Ray Focusing by Numerically Controlled Plasma Chemical Vaporization Machining"

Kazuya Yamamura

Review of Scientific Instruments, 74, (2003) 4549-4553


"High Resolution-High Energy X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Using Third-Generation Synchrotron Radiation Source, and Its Application to Si-High k Insulator Systems"

Keisuke Kobayashi

Applied Physics Letters, 83, (2003) 1005-1007


"Two-Dimensional Submicron Focusing of Hard X-Rays by Two Elliptical Mirrors Fabricated by Plasma Chemical Vaporization Machining and Elastic Emission Machining"

Kazuto Yamauchi

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 42, (2003) 7129-7134


"Thermal Desorption Process of Bromide on Si (111) Studied by High Sensitive Mass Spectroscopy"

Tetsuro Shirao

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 42, (2003) 593-596


"Thermal Effect of Picosecond-Pulsed Laser Irradiation on Cl-Adsorbed Si (111) Surface"

Tetsuro Shirao

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 42, (2003) L386-L388


"Unambiguous X-Ray Phase Retrieval from Small Angle Scattering Data"

Karen K.-W. Siu

Journal of Applied Physics, 93, (2003) 5161-5166


"Magnetism of Ir in Fe2IrSi from Ir L2,3 Edge X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy"

Vemuru V. Krishnamurthy

Journal of Applied Physics, 93, (2003) 7981-7983


"Phase Retrieval of Diffraction Patterns from Noncrystalline Samples Using the Oversampling Method"

Jianwei Miao

Physical Review B, 67, (2003) 174104


"Application of Phase-Retrieval X-Ray Diffractometry to Carbon Doped SiGe(C)/Si(C) Superlattice Structures"

Karen K.-W. Siu

Journal of Applied Physics, 94, (2003) 1007-1012


"Direct Determination of the Absolute Electron Density of Nanostructured and Disordered Materials at Sub-10nm Resolution"

Jianwei Miao

Physical Review B, 68, (2003) 012201


"Gaussian-Like Shaping of Coherent Synchrotron X-Rays"

Andrei Nikulin

Physics Letters A, 319, (2003) 434-438


"Image Reconstruction of Nanostructured Nonperiodic Objects only from Oversampled Hard X-ray Diffraction Intensities"

Yoshinori Nishino

Physical Review B, 68, (2003) 220101(R)


"Intensity Interferometry for the Study of X-Ray Coherence"

Makina Yabashi

Physical Review A, 69, (2004) 023813


"The Onset of Quadrupole Ordering at the Structural Phase Transition in DyB2C2"

Yoshikazu Tanaka

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15, (2003) L185-L190


"A Probe of Intrinsic Valence Band Electronic Structure: Hard X-ray Photoemission"

Yasutaka Takata

Applied Physics Letters, 84, (2004) 4310-4312


"Imaging of Fine Structure of Bone Sample with High Coherent X-ray Beam and High Spatial Resolution Detector"

Masatsugu Hirano

Radiation Medicine, 22, (2004) 56-59


"An X-ray BBB Michelson Interferometer"

John P. Sutter

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 11, (2004) 378-385


"Intrinsic Valence Band Study of Molecular-Beam-Epitaxy-Grown GaAs and GaN by High-Resolution Hard-X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy"

Keisuke Kobayashi

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 43, (2004) L1029-L1031


"Hybridization of Cr 3d-N 2p-Ga 4s in the Wide Band-Gap Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Ga1-xCrxN"

Jung-Jin Kim

Physical Review B, 70, (2004) 161315(R)


"Bulk Electronic Structure of Na0.35CoO2·1.3H2O"

Ashishi Chainani

Physical Review B, 69, (2004) R180508


"Valence Transition of YbInCu4 Observed in Hard X-Ray Photoemission Spectra"

Hitoshi Sato

Physical Review Letters, 93, (2004) 246404


"Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of YbInCu4"

Hitoshi Sato

Physica B, 351, (2004) 298-300


"Bulk Screening in Core-Level Photoemission from Mott-Hubbard and Charge-Transfer Systems"

Munetaka Taguchi

Physical Review B, 71, (2005) 155102


"Goniometric and Topographic Characterization of Synthetic IIa Diamonds"

Kenji Tamasaku

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38, (2005) A61-A66


"Hard X-ray Photoemission Study of Mn 2p Core-Levels of La1-xSrxMnO3 Thin Films"

Kouji Horiba

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144-147, (2005) 557-559


"Nature of the Well Screened State in Hard X-ray Mn 2p Core-Level Photoemission Measurements of La1-xSrxMnO3 Films"

Koji Horiba

Physical Review Letters, 93, (2004) 236401


"A Novel Probe of Intrinsic Electronic Structure: Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy"

Yasutaka Takata

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144-147, (2005) 1063-1065


"Development of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy at BL29XU in SPring-8"

Yasutaka Takata

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 547, (2005) 50-55


"Element Array by Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy after Cis-Diamminedichloro-Platinum (II) Treatment"

Mari Shimura

Cancer Research, 65, (2005) 4998-5002


"High-Resolution X-ray Monochromators"

Tetsuya Ishikawa

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 547, (2005) 42-49


"Hard-X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of NaxCoO2.yH2O"

Ashish Chainani

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 547, (2005) 163-168


"Relative Angle Determinable Stitching Interferometry for Hard X-ray Reflective Optics"

Hidekazu Mimura

Review of Scientific Instruments, 76, (2005) 045102


"Hard X-ray Diffraction-Limited Nanofocusing with Kirkpatrick-Baez Mirrors"

Hidekazu Mimura

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44, (2005) L539-L542


"Image Quality Improvement in a Hard X-ray Projection Microscope using Total Reflection Mirror Optics"

Hidekazu Mimura

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 11, (2004) 343-346


"Nano-Resolution Profiling of Micro-Structures using Quantitative X-ray Phase Retrieval from Fraunhofer Diffraction Data"

Aliaksandir V. Darahanau

Physics Letters A, 335, (2005) 494-498


"Evidence for Suppressed Screening on the Surface of High Temperature La2-xSrxCuO4 and Nd2-xCexO4 Superconductors"

Munetaka Taguchi

Physical Review Letters, 95, (2005) 177002


"Examination of Bragg Backscattering from Crystalline Quartz"

John P. Sutter

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 66, (2005) 2306-2309


"Electronic Structure of Strained (La0.85Ba0.15)MnO3 Thin Films with Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism Investigated by Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy"

Hidekazu Tanaka

Physical Review B, 73, (2006) 094403


"Nearly Perfect Large-Area Quartz: 4 meV Resolution for 10 keV Photons over 10 cm2"

John P. Sutter

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 13, (2006) 278-280


"Single-Shot Spectrometry for X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers"

Makina Yabashi

Physical Review Letters, 97, (2006) 084802


"Study on the Gate Insulator/Silicon Interface Utilizing Soft and Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy at SPring-8"

Takeo Hattori

International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, 16, (2006) 353-364


"Fe3−xZnxO4 Thin Film as Tunable High Curie Temperature Ferromagnetic Semiconductor"

Junichi Takaobushi

Applied Physics Letters, 89, (2006) 242507


"Monochromator Stabilization System at SPring-8"

Togo Kudo

AIP Conference Proceedings, 879, (2007) 954-958


"Diamond Double-Crystal Monochromator for SPring-8 Undulator Beamlines"

Makina Yabashi

AIP Conference Proceedings, 879, (2007) 922-925


"Study of 4p Electronic States Related to Magnetic Phase Transition in Mn3MC (M=Zn and Ga) by X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism"

Naomi Kawamura

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 76, (2007) 074716


"Evaluation of In-Vacuum Imaging Plate Detector for X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy"

Yoshinori Nishino

AIP Conference Proceedings, 879, (2007) 1376-1379


"Examples of Structural Analyses in Aluminum by Synchrotron and X-ray Diffraction"

Eiichiro Matsubara

軽金属 (Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals), 56, (2006) 635-638


"Reconstruction of Complex-valued Electron Density with X-ray in-line Holograms"

Hiroshi Yamazaki

Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 23, (2006) 3171-3176


"Present Status of Pin-post Water-cooled Silicon Crystals for Monochromators of SPring-8 X-ray Undulator Beamlines"

Hiroshi Yamazaki

AIP Conference Proceedings, 879, (2007) 946-949


"Erratum: Bulk Screening in Core-level Photoemission from Mott-hubbard and Chrge-transfer Systems [Phys. Rev. B 71, 155102 (2005)]"

Munetaka Taguchi

Physical Review B, 76, (2007) 169901(E)


"Electronic Structures of Fe3-xMxO4 (M=Mn,Zn) Spinel Oxide Thin Films Investigated by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy and X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism"

Junichi Takaobushi

Physical Review B, 76, (2007) 205108


"Hard X-ray Photoemission Study of LaAlO3/LaVO3 Multilayers"

Hiroki Wadachi

Physical Review B, 77, (2008) 045122


"Hard X-ray and Soft X-ray Photoemission Study of Vanadium Oxides"

Ritsuko Eguchi

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 310, (2007) e289-e291


"Approach for Three-dimensional Observation of Mesoscopic Precipitates in Alloys by Coherent X-ray Diffraction Microscopy"

Yukio Takahashi

Applied Physics Letters, 90, (2007) 184105


"Electric Structure of Semiconducting CeFe4P12: Strong Hybridization and Relevance of Single-Impurity Anderson Model"

Masaharu Matsunami

Physical Review B, 77, (2008) 165126


"Revisiting the Valence-Band and Core-Level Photoemission Spectra of NiO"

Munetaka Taguchi

Physical Review Letters, 100, (2008) 206401


"Nanoscale Imaging of Mineral Crystals inside Biological Composite Materials using X-ray Diffraction Microscopy"

Huaidong Jiang

Physical Review Letters, 100, (2008) 038103


"Temperature Dependence of the Exchange Stiffness in FePd(001) Thin Films: Deviation from the Empirical Law A(T)M2s at Intermediate Temperatures"

Mattia Mulazzi

Physical Review B, 77, (2008) 224425


"3-D X-ray Diffraction Imaging with Nanoscale Resolution using Incoherent Radiation"

Andrei Nikulin

Nano Letters, 7, (2007) 1246-1250


"Efficient Focusing of Hard X rays to 25 nm by a Total Reflection Mirror"

Hidekazu Mimura

Applied Physics Letters, 90, (2007) 051903


"Phase Retrieval from Exactly Oversampled Diffraction Intensity through Deconvolution"

Changyong Song

Physical Review B, 75, (2007) 012102


"How is it Possible to Obtain Buried Interface Information through Very Thick Films using a Hard-X-ray PEEM?"

Toyohiko Kinoshita

Surface Science, 601, (2007) 4754-4757


"Study of Adsorption States for Lubricant Molecule using Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy"

Eiji Ikenaga

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 156-158, (2007) 336-339


"High-resolution Photoemission Study of the Hybridization Gap in the Kondo Semiconductor CeRhAs"

Kenya Shimada

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 310, (2007) e57-e58


"High Resolution Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy at SPring-8: Basic Performance and Characterization"

Yasutaka Takata

AIP Conference Proceedings, 879, (2007) 1597-1602


"Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy using Excitation Energies of up to 10 keV for Materials Science"

Jung-Jin Kim

AIP Conference Proceedings, 879, (2007) 1407-1410


"Itinerant Ferromagnetism in the Layered Crystals LaCoOX (X=P,As)"

Hiroshi Yanagi

Physical Review B, 77, (2008) 224431


"Development of a Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Microscope using Size-controllable Focused X-ray Beam from 50 to 1500nm"

Satoshi Matsuyama

AIP Conference Proceedings, 879, (2007) 1325-1328


"Fabrication of X-ray Mirror for Hard X-ray Diffraction Limited Nanofocusing"

Hirokatsu Yumoto

AIP Conference Proceedings, 879, (2007) 967-970