Title/Place of Publication
2007.01.30 10:56
Fine Structure in the Quadrupolar Transition of the Ho L3 Pre-Edge Observed by Lifetime-Broadening-Suppressed XANES Spectroscopy
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Physical Review B
72 4 2005 045114
First Author 0007277 Hayashi Hisashi Tohoku University
Coauthor 1 0008904 Kawata Masaki Tohoku University
Coauthor 2 0013537 Sato Atsushi Tohoku University
Coauthor 3 0007366 Udagawa Yasuo Tohoku University
Coauthor 4 0001477 Inami Toshiya SPring-8/JAERI
Coauthor 5 0005135 Ishii Kenji SPring-8/JAERI
Coauthor 6 Ogasawara Haruhiko Nothern Illinois University, APS/Argonne National Laboratory
Coauthor 7 0003303 Nanao Susumu The University of Tokyo
Related Proposal Information
2003B0144 BL11XU 林 久史