Title/Place of Publication
2007.01.30 10:56
Resonant X-ray Scattering Study of UNiGa5
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Physica B
359-361 2005 1045-1047
International Conference of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
2004.07.26-07.30 Karlsruhe, Germany
First Author 0003399 Kuzushita Kaori SPring-8/JAERI
Coauthor 1 0005135 Ishii Kenji SPring-8/JAERI
Coauthor 2 0005061 Ohwada Kenji SPring-8/JAERI
Coauthor 3 0004725 Murakami Youichi Tohoku University, SPring-8/JAERI
Coauthor 4 0002701 Kaneko Koji JAERI
Coauthor 5 0002702 Metoki Naoto JAERI, Tohoku University
Coauthor 6 Lander Gerry Institute for Transuranium Elements
Coauthor 7 Ikeda Shugo Osaka University, JAERI
Coauthor 8 Haga Yoshinori JAERI
Coauthor 9 Onuki Yoshichika Osaka University, JAERI
Related Proposal Information
None BL22XU SPring-8 Experiment