2007.01.30 10:56
YAP Imager and Its Application with High-Energy X-Ray Beams up to 150 keV
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A
510 1 2003 83-91
Symposium on Applications of Particle detectors in Medicine, Biology and Astrphysics II
2002.05.27-05.29 Trieste, Italy
主著者 0002204 Hirota Katsuya SPring-8/JASRI
共著者 1 0000386 Toyokawa Hidenori SPring-8/JASRI
共著者 2 0000260 Suzuki Masayo SPring-8/JASRI
共著者 3 Kubo T. SPring-8/JASRI
共著者 4 0001702 Nomachi Masaharu Osaka University
共著者 5 0001674 Sugaya Yorihito Osaka University
共著者 6 0001677 Yosoi Masaru Kyoto University
共著者 7 Gorin A. The Institute for High Energy Physics
共著者 8 Manuilov I. The Institute for High Energy Physics
共著者 9 Riazantsev A. The Institute for High Energy Physics
共著者 10 0003154 Kuroda Koji Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
R01A0023 BL38B1 広田 克也
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