2023.11.01 09:30
Roles of Structural Defects in Polycrystalline Platinum Nanowires for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Activity
Applied Catalysis B
324 5 2023 122268
主著者 0039504 Zhao Xiao Jilin University, University of Electro-Communications
共著者 1 0014416 Takao Shinobu University of Electro-Communications
共著者 2 0029423 Yoshida Yusuke University of Electro-Communications
共著者 3 0020046 Kaneko Takuma University of Electro-Communications
共著者 4 0033789 Gunji Takao University of Electro-Communications
共著者 5 0022140 Higashi Kotaro University of Electro-Communications
共著者 6 0000182 Uruga Tomoya University of Electro-Communications, SPring-8/JASRI
共著者 7 0006070 Iwasawa Yasuhiro University of Electro-Communications
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