Title/Place of Publication
2007.01.30 10:56
Phase Control of Bi2Sr2Can-1CunOy Sputtered Films Using He Gas
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
真空 (Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan)
45 3 2002 297-300
第42回 真空に関する連合講演会
2001.10.17-10.19 Tokyo, Japan
First Author Matsumoto Kosuke Tottori University
Coauthor 1 0006272 Ogura Mitsuru Tottori University
Coauthor 2 0009628 Katsurahara Koji Tottori University
Coauthor 3 0004624 Kishida Satoru Tottori University
Coauthor 4 0001466 Mizutani Takeshi National Institute for Materials Science
Coauthor 5 0001407 Yoshikawa Hideki National Institute for Materials Science
Coauthor 6 0004198 Fukushima Sei National Institute for Materials Science
Coauthor 7 Tokutaka Heizou Tottori University
Related Proposal Information
C01B2002 BL15XU 福島 整