Title/Place of Publication
2014.02.13 09:54
Ponded Melt at the Boundary between the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Nature Geoscience
6 12 2013 1041-1044
[A50] Earth and Planetary Science
[M85] Extreme Environment
First Author 0014636 Sakamaki Tatsuya Tohoku University
Coauthor 1 0003108 Suzuki Akio Tohoku University
Coauthor 2 0003101 Ohtani Eiji Tohoku University
Coauthor 3 0004244 Terasaki Hidenori Osaka University
Coauthor 4 0001238 Urakawa Satoru Okayama University
Coauthor 5 0001214 Katayama Yoshinori JAEA
Coauthor 6 0001115 Funakoshi Ken-ichi SPring-8/JASRI
Coauthor 7 0003994 Wang Yanbin The University of Chicago
Coauthor 8 Hernlund John University of California, Berkeley, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Coauthor 9 Ballmer Maxim University of Hawaii at Manoa
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