2013.05.09 16:57
Silicon Nanosheets and Their Self-Assembled Regular Stacking Structure
Journal of the American Chemical Society
132 8 2010 2710-2718
[A80] 産業利用
[M10] X線回折
主著者 0018341 Okamoto Hirotaka Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
共著者 1 Kumai Yoko Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
共著者 2 Sugiyama Yusuke Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
共著者 3 0015956 Mitsuoka Takuya Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
共著者 4 Nakanishi Koji Ritsumeikan University
共著者 5 0003488 Ohta Toshiaki Ritsumeikan University
共著者 6 0004348 Nozaki Hiroshi Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
共著者 7 0006044 Yamaguchi Satoshi Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
共著者 8 Shirai Soichi Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
共著者 9 0004973 Nakano Hideyuki Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc.
2008B5070 BL16XU 野崎 洋