Title/Place of Publication
2012.10.03 09:43
XAFS Study of Platinum Group Metals Occluded in LaScO3-Based Perovskite Oxide by Solid-Phase Reaction at High Temperatures
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Proceedings of the 13th Asian Conference on SOLID STATE IONICS
2012 621-628
The 13th Asian Conference on SOLID STATE IONICS
2012.07.17-07.20 Sendai, Japan
[A80] Industrial Applications
[M40] X-ray/Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
First Author 0003002 Kageyama Hiroyuki National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Coauthor 1 0009377 Nomura Katsuhiro National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Related Proposal Information
2009A2007 BL14B2 蔭山 博之
2009B1990 BL14B2 蔭山 博之