Title/Place of Publication
2011.12.02 14:21
X-ray Reciprocal Space Mapping of Dislocation-Mediated Strain Relaxation during InGaAs/GaAs(001) Epitaxial Growth
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Journal of Applied Physics
110 11 2011 113502
First Author 0016163 Sasaki Takuo Toyota Technological Institute
Coauthor 1 0016208 Suzuki Hidetoshi University of Miyazaki
Coauthor 2 0001168 Takahashi Masamitsu JAEA
Coauthor 3 0014251 Ohshita Yoshio Toyota Technological Institute
Coauthor 4 0005744 Kamiya Itaru Toyota Technological Institute
Coauthor 5 0023399 Yamaguchi Masafumi Toyota Technological Institute
Related Proposal Information
2009A3573 BL11XU 山口 真史
2009B3571 BL11XU 山口 真史