Title/Place of Publication
2010.04.02 12:19
Local Coordination about La3+ in Molten LaCl3 and Its Mixtures with Alkali Chlorides
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
114 13 2010 4664-4671
First Author 0001969 Okamoto Yoshihiro JAEA
Coauthor 1 0001970 Suzuki Shinichi JAEA
Coauthor 2 0000078 Shiwaku Hideaki JAEA
Coauthor 3 0002864 Ikeda-Ohno Atsushi JAEA
Coauthor 4 Yaita Tsuyoshi JAEA
Coauthor 5 Madden Paul University of Oxford
Related Proposal Information
2009A3504 BL11XU 池田 篤史