Title/Place of Publication
2007.01.30 10:55
X-Ray Microbeam with Sputtered-Sliced Fresnel Zone Plate at SPring-8 Undulator Beamline
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
X-Ray Microscopy: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference (AIP Conference Proceedings 507)
CP507 2000 535-538
International Conference on X-ray Microscopy (XRM)
1999.08.02-08.06 Berkeley, USA
First Author 0001177 Suzuki Yoshio SPring-8
Coauthor 1 0001459 Awaji Mitsuhiro SPring-8
Coauthor 2 0000086 Kohmura Yoshiki SPring-8
Coauthor 3 0001716 Takeuchi Akihisa SPring-8
Coauthor 4 0001429 Kamijo Nagao SPring-8, Kansai Medical University
Coauthor 5 0001434 Tamura Shigeharu SPring-8, Osaka National Research Institute
Coauthor 6 0004398 Handa Katsumi Ritsumeikan University
Related Proposal Information
1999A0091 BL47XU 上條 長生
None BL47XU SPring-8 Instrumentation & Technique