Title/Place of Publication
2009.09.30 16:40
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering in Electronically Quasi-Zero-Dimensional CuB2O4
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Physical Review B
80 9 2009 092509
First Author 0011007 Hancock Jason Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials
Coauthor 1 0011006 Chabot-Couture Guillaume Stanford University
Coauthor 2 Li Yuan Stanford University
Coauthor 3 Petrakovskii G. A. Russian Academy of Sciences
Coauthor 4 0005135 Ishii Kenji JAEA
Coauthor 5 0014080 Jarrige Ignace JAEA
Coauthor 6 0000302 Mizuki Junichiro JAEA
Coauthor 7 Devereaux T. P. Stanford University
Coauthor 8 Greven Martin Stanford University
Related Proposal Information
None BL11XU SPring-8 Experiment