Title/Place of Publication
2009.06.03 19:19
Role of Oxygen Electrons in the Metal-Insulator Transition in the Magnetoresistive Oxide La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7 Proved by Compton Scattering
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Physical Review Letters
102 20 2009 206402
First Author Barbiellini B. Northeastern University
Coauthor 1 0001345 Koizumi Akihisa University of Hyogo
Coauthor 2 Mijnarends P. E. Northeastern University, Delft University of Technology
Coauthor 3 Al-Sawai W. Northeastern University
Coauthor 4 Lin Hsin Northeastern University
Coauthor 5 0007199 Nagao Toshihiro University of Hyogo
Coauthor 6 Hirota K. Osaka University
Coauthor 7 0001458 Itou Masayoshi SPring-8/JASRI
Coauthor 8 0000257 Sakurai Yoshiharu SPring-8/JASRI
Coauthor 9 0021199 Bansil Arun Northeastern University
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