Title/Place of Publication
2008.10.25 14:59
Similarity between Strain Fields Induced by the Xe/NH3 Plasma Nitridation and the K/O2 Plasma Oxidation Revealed by a Multi-Wave X-ray Diffraction Phenomenon
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan
33 3 2008 607-610
First Author 0003297 Yashiro Wataru The University of Tokyo
Coauthor 1 0001245 Yoda Yoshitaka SPring-8/JASRI
Coauthor 2 0020773 Matsushita Yuuitirou The University of Tokyo
Coauthor 3 0020503 Aratani Takashi Tohoku University
Coauthor 4 0015560 Teramoto Akinobu Tohoku University
Coauthor 5 0007880 Hattori Takeo Tohoku University
Coauthor 6 0004138 Miki Kazushi National Institute for Materials Science
Related Proposal Information
2007A1695 BL09XU 矢代 航
2007B1076 BL09XU 矢代 航