Title/Place of Publication
2007.04.25 21:23
Isotope Quantum Effects in the Electron Momentum Density of Water
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
The Journal of Chemical Physics
126 15 2007 154508
First Author 0014133 Nygård Kim University of Helsinki
Coauthor 1 0014132 Hakala Mikko University of Helsinki
Coauthor 2 Pylkkänen Tuomas University of Helsinki
Coauthor 3 Manninen Seppo University of Helsinki
Coauthor 4 Buslaps Thomas European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Coauthor 5 0001458 Itou Masayoshi SPring-8/JASRI
Coauthor 6 0000507 Andrejczuk Andrzej SPring-8/JASRI
Coauthor 7 0000257 Sakurai Yoshiharu SPring-8/JASRI
Coauthor 8 Odelius Michael Stockholm University
Coauthor 9 0014114 Hämäläinen Keijo University of Helsinki
Related Proposal Information
2006A1231 BL08W Hamalainen Keijo