Title/Place of Publication
2007.01.30 10:57
Incident Energy and Polarization-Dependent Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study of La2CuO4
Refereed Journals, Doctoral Thesis, Refereed Proceedings
Physical Review B
74 22 2006 224509
First Author 0011009 Lu Li Stanford University
Coauthor 1 0011007 Hancock Jason Stanford University
Coauthor 2 0011006 Chabot-Couture Guillaume Stanford University
Coauthor 3 0005135 Ishii Kenji JAEA
Coauthor 4 Vajk O. P. National Institute of Standards and Technology
Coauthor 5 Yu G. Stanford University
Coauthor 6 0000302 Mizuki Jun'ichiro JAEA
Coauthor 7 Casa D. Argonne National Laboratory
Coauthor 8 Gog T. Argonne National Laboratory
Coauthor 9 0008856 Greven Martin Stanford University
Related Proposal Information
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