Details: Application Form for the Handling of Human Materials [Form 23-2]

Deadline: 14 days before carry-in

The project leader is required to submit an Application Form for the Handling of Human Materials(PDF available) to certify that the human materials have been obtained from the organization in charge of the storage and management of human materials through appropriate procedures and the research use of the human materials has been approved by the organization (by the chairperson or a person of higher position).
Also appoint a manager responsible for handling human materials at SPring-8. Note that the submission of this form is required of each organization in charge of the storage and management of human materials.

How to submit

Form No.Form titleApplies to
23-2Application Form for the Handling of Human Materials [PDF]Human materials

Questions & Submission

ContactPhoneE-mail address
JASRI Safety Office+81-791-58-0874safety@spring8.or.jp