Details: Animal Experiment Application Form [Form 17-5]

Deadline: within 2 weeks after the approval of proposal 

When an animal experiment is planned, the chief animal experiment researcher* must provide information about the animals to be used in the experiment, experimental method, and method of disposal of corpses on an Animal Experiment Application Form and submit it to JASRI Safety Office by mail within two weeks after the notification of proposal approval (the submission deadline will be specified in the notification of proposal approval).
When more than one experiment is conducted under the same proposal, a new application is not required for each experiment.

*The chief animal experiment researcher need not be the same person as the project leader.

How to submit

Form No.Form titleApplies to
17-5Animal Experiment Application Form [MS Word]/Sample [PDF]Animal experiments

Questions & Submission

ContactPhoneE-mail address
JASRI Safety Office+81-791-58-0874safety@spring8.or.jp