Eligibility for Use of Guest House

Those who can use Guest House

  1. Public/contract/RIKEN beamline users
  2. Participants of on-site conferences/workshops/meetings and NewSUBARU users

The priority of Guest House booking is in this order. As a general rules, the booking for-participants of on site conferences / workshops / meetings or New SUBARU users will be accepted only in case there is a vacancy at 10 days prior of their scheduled date and will be asked to cancel their bookings in the order of the lateness when the bookings by beamline users are exceeded.


Note that the followings are not eligible to use the Guest House: 1. those who visit SPring-8/SACLA for purposes other than research activities conducted at SPring-8/SACLA, 2. site-tour participants, 3. vendors (for delivery, adjustment, and tests), and 4. family members of users for purposes unrelated to user’s visit.