Details: Beamtime Fees

Beamtime fees is the fee to be paid by Proprietary Research users. Non Proprietary Research users are exempt from paying the fee. Beamtime fees are calculated by collecting the expenses for operating SPring-8 on a full-cost recovery basis (utility, maintenance, staff costs, and so on).
The beamline fees for each proposal using public beamlines are as follows:

Proprietary Research

General Proposals (General use)

Type of feePer shift*
Beamtime fee480,000 yen

Time-Designated Proposals / SPring-8 Measurement Service / Feasibility Proposal for Industrial Applicant

Type of feePer shift*
Beamtime fee + 50% premium720,000 yen

Non-Proprietary Research

Type of feePer shift*
Beamtime feeUsers are exempt from paying the fee

* 1 shift is 8 hours and for any proposals that are allocated by the hour, the fees are charged by the hour.