User Registration Procedure
Initial Registration
To carry out experiments at SPring-8, project leaders/applicants and project team members must have completed user registration to obtain a user card ID number in advance. If you have not yet completed user registration, go to User Registration. Registration is free of charge.
For Staff of RIKEN, JASRI and Visiting Researchers
User registration is also required for staff of RIKEN, JASRI and visiting researchers. If you have your SPring-8 user card, enter the user card ID number in the box provided for user ID on the screen for user registration to avoid multiple registrations.
If you have forgotten your registered information
Registration Procedures
1. Click on “User Registration” on MY PAGE
2. The first time you access the User Registration page, you will be prompted to agree with the “Terms of Service.”

3. The Terms of Service include “UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES” and “DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.” Read carefully and click “I agree” to accept the Terms of Service. Otherwise, you cannot use the web-based proposal submission system.
4. On the User Registration page, provide your name, password (for login authentication), date of birth, affiliation, etc. Since registration information may be used for verification purposes, make sure that all information is correct.
5. The staff of RIKEN, JASRI and visiting researchers are also required to complete user registration. If you already have a SPring-8 user card, enter the user ID number of this card in the box provided for user ID on the screen for user registration to avoid multiple registrations.
6. Note that if project team members have chosen “Do not allow” for their account settings, their user card ID numbers/names/affiliations are not displayed in the search results. In this case, project leaders cannot find the user card ID numbers necessary for team member registration; therefore, project team members who have chosen “Do not allow” are encouraged to contact their project leader in advance.

7. Upon successful registration, your user card ID number will be shown on the screen.

8. Users Office will check the registered information and inform the user of the user card ID number via email. If you do not receive the email within 3 business days, the registered email address might be incorrect. Contact the Users Office.
9. After you have been informed of the user card ID number, you can submit your proposal application.