Details: Technical Journal [Form 29]

Deadline: within three years from the end of the research term

You may register an article submitted to a technical journal refereed at your home institution to satisfy the requirement of publishing your results (click here for the instructions on how to register). Your article needs to be reviewed by JASRI’s SPring-8/SACLA Research Results Review Committee in terms of quantity, validity, and integrity of the information provided before it is registered in the Publications Database.
To register an article of a technical journal that is not included in the journal list, first submit an Application for Review of a Technical Journal (Form 29) to the following.

How to submit

Form No.Form titleApplies to
Technical Journals article approved by JASRIWhen your research proposal did not result in a publication
29Application for Review of a Technical Journal[PDF]When you wish to register an article of a technical journal that is not included in the journal list 

Submission & Questions (Application for Review of a Technical Journal)

ContactPhoneE-mail address
User Administration Division+81-791-58-2785sp8r3p@spring8.or.jp