2025A SPring-8 Research Proposals in Complementary Use with SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku

To encourage research that is expected to produce excellent results more effectively through the complementary use with SACLA (X-ray free electron laser facility), J-PARC MLF (neutron facility), or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku (public computational resource of High-Performance Computing Infrastructure including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku; the same shall apply hereinafter) rather than when SPring-8 is used alone, we have been inviting SPring-8 proposals for such complementary use with one or more of these three facilities. Interested parties are encouraged to apply. Please read the following instructions in full before completing your application.


  1. Available Types of Proposals
  2. Application Method
  3. Submission Deadline for Online Proposals: December 5, 2024, 10:00 am (in Japan Time)
  4. Proposal Review
  5. Contact

1. Available Types of Proposals

JASRI regards proposals falling into either one of the following three cases as SPring-8 research proposals in complementary use:

  1. You have research proposals approved or already carried out at SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku, and then you are applying for SPring-8 this time, or
  2. You are applying research proposals for SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the supercomputer Fugaku as well as for SPring-8 at the same time, which means that the research period you are applying is the same among these three facilities, or
  3. You will apply research proposals for SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the supercomputer Fugaku after carrying out your proposal at SPring-8.

Note: Operation of the K computer terminated on August 16, 2019. Full fledged operation of the supercomputer Fugaku started in 2021.

Available types of SPring-8 proposals are as follows:

Click here to see the list of beamlines and research period available for 2025A beamtime by type of proposal. Proposal types marked with ★ are available for the program.

2. Application Method

To apply for SPring-8 research proposals in complementary use of SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku, you need to submit your proposal to each facility. For information on how to submit your proposal to other facilities, please refer to the links below.
(1) JASRI for SACLA application
(2) CROSS for J-PARC MLF application
(3) RIST for HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku application

Here at SPring-8 (JASRI), applicants/project leaders are required to submit proposals online through the web-based proposal submission system. Please first carefully read the 2. Requirements in the “Call for 2025A SPring-8 Research Proposals -Overview-” and then submit your proposal from the User Information Website.

User Information Website (UI site) > Log in to My Page > Top Page > Create and Edit Proposal Application Form > New

Important Notes about Information Required on the Application:
When completing your application, please take note of the following important points in addition to the 2.2 Application for Beamtime in the “Call for 2025A SPring-8 Research Proposals -Overview-.”

  1. Select your Proposal type (General Proposal or Graduate Student Proposal).
  2. Place a check mark “Complementary Use of SPring-8/SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku”
  3. “Complementary Use Program” section in Proposal Application Form
    1. [Complementary Use Facility]
       Please make sure to check the complementary use facilities (multiple selections allowed)
    2. [Abstract for Complementary Use]
       In the Complementary Use section of your online application form, please make sure to indicate that your proposal is intended for combined use of SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku. Specify research goals, why you require complementary use of facilities, expected results from complementary use of facilities, etc.
       In addition, please make sure to also state the following information regarding SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku applications.
      1.   If you have already carried out experiments at SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku, please state relevant information such as the facility’s name(s), dates of research, the proposal number(s), titles of the experiments, name/affiliation of project leader(s), and the research group name(s).
      2.   If you plan to apply for use of SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku at the same time as SPring-8, please state application information such as facility’s name(s), dates of research, titles of experiments, name/affiliation of project leader(s) or research group name(s) (including those which are scheduled.)

Please note that we may refer to CROSS or RIST for information about your application for use of J-PARC MLF and HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku, respectively.

[For Review Field of Industrial Application]
If you select “Industrial Application” as the Group of the Review Field in the Basic Information of the online proposal application form, please read the instruction of “General Proposals and Graduate Student Proposals Intended to Be Reviewed in the Industrial Application Field.”

3. Submission Deadline for Online Proposals

Thursday, December 5, 2024, 10:00 am (in Japan time)

4. Proposal Review

Submitted proposals are subject to review as proposals for complementary use, and the scientific and technical value, and the research strategy are peer reviewed. (See below for the details of review for each type of proposal.)

Your proposal will be reviewed independently by JASRI, CROSS and RIST. Please note, therefore, that your proposal may be accepted by any of JASRI, CROSS or RIST and be rejected by the other.

Regardless of whether your SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku application is approved or not, your proposal will be made public as a SPring-8 research proposal in complementary use with SACLA, J-PARC MLF or HPCI including the K computer / the supercomputer Fugaku only when it is accepted by JASRI.

5. Contact

ContactPhoneE-mail address
SPring-8/SACLA Users Office/JASRI+81-791-58-0961sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp