List of Proposal Application Templates

These templates are for drafting purposes only and you cannot apply with these files. Please read the following notes.

Public Beamlines

Non-proprietary Research

General Proposal, Graduate Student Proposal (excl. industrial application and structural biology)Download [MS Word]
General Proposal, Graduate Student Proposal (industrial application)Download [MS Word]
General Proposal, Graduate Student Proposal (structural biology)Download [MS Word]
Long Term Graduate Student ProposalDownload[MS Word]
Non-Proprietary Priority ProposalDownload[MS Word]
Urgent ProposalDownload [MS Word]
In-house ProposalDownload [MS Word]

Proprietary Research

Proprietary Proposal (excl. structural biology) Download [MS Word]
Proprietary Proposal (structural biology)Download [MS Word]
Time-Designated ProposalDownload [MS Word]

Contract Beamlines

Use Plan (non-proprietary and proprietary research)Download [MS Word]


These files should be used only for drafting your application and cannot be submitted. The style and format of styled texts (e.g., bold/italic/superscript/subscript/underline/font color) and equations created using the equation editor are not applicable in the proposal submission system. Therefore, do not use the Text Decoration function of word-processing software.

Note that characters defined in the Basic Multilingual Plane (Plane 0) of Unicode, such as superscript and subscript numbers, can be entered using the Character Palette function implemented in operating systems. Refer to “Help” of your operating system regarding how to enter such characters.
