Proposal Submission Deadlines

Proposal Submission Deadlines

SPring-8 operates for 2 half-year research terms (A term and B term) each year. A term typically spans from April to August and B term is usually from September to March.

JASRI generally launches the call for proposals twice a year with the following deadlines. For specific dates, please refer to the call for proposals announced in around May (for B term) and November (for A term of the following year).


Long-Term Graduate Student Proposals are valid for maximum of 3 years for one application, and some other proposals are valid for one year.

General Proposals, Graduate Student Proposals etc.

Twice a year

TermApprox. Deadlines
A TermEarly December
B TermMid-June

Six times a year

TermApprox. Deadlines
A Term, First periodEarly December
A Term, Second periodEarly March
A Term, Third periodLate April
B Term, First periodMid-June
B Term, Second periodEarly September
B Term, Third periodLate October

Proprietary Proposals, Non-Proprietary Priority Proposals

Twice a year

TermApprox. Deadlines
A TermAbout two weeks before the deadlines for general and other proposals.
B TermAbout two weeks before the deadlines for general and other proposals.

Six times a year

TermApprox. Deadlines
A Term, First periodAbout two weeks before the deadlines for general and other proposals. Deadlines for the second and the third periods are the same as general proposals.
A Term, Second periodEarly March
A Term, Third periodLate April
B Term, First periodAbout two weeks before the deadlines for general and other proposals. Deadlines for the second and the third periods are the same as general proposals.
B Term, Second periodEarly September
B Term, Third periodLate October

Urgent Proposals, Proprietary Time-Designated Proposals, and Proprietary Measurement Service Proposals (Time-Designated Use)

TermApprox. Deadlines
All yearAs needed

Proprietary Measurement Service Proposals (Regular Use)

NOTE: the deadline for inquiry form submission is 2 weeks ahead of each deadline below. Proposal applications without submitting the inquiry form in time will not be accepted.

Six times a year

TermApprox. Deadlines
A Term, First periodAbout two weeks before the deadlines for general and other proposals. Deadlines for the second and the third periods are the same as general proposals.
A Term, Second periodEarly March
A Term, Third periodLate April
B Term, First periodAbout two weeks before the deadlines for general and other proposals. Deadlines for the second and the third periods are the same as general proposals.
B Term, Second periodEarly September
B Term, Third periodLate October